Dry skin on keto


Good input, Amber. Perhaps experimenting with consuming some seafood or seaweed would provide some natural food sources of iodine…whether or not iodine was the issue, no harm done eating these foods anyway. If dryness goes away, than great!

(shawn) #22

Thanks. Yes, I’ll definitely be doing that. :wink:

(Zbigniew Kosior) #23

I admit that is my uneducated guess, but high dosages of vitamin B complex and lotion with vitamin A helped for dry hands and skin cracks in the mouth corners.

(I like to post memes!) #24

This! When I first started keto my lips were terribly chapped, no matter how much fat I ate or how much water I drank. Even though it is counter-intuitive, adding more salt to your diet may help. I added a couple of shakes of pink salt to my water, and salted most meals and had relief within a day.

(Lard is Love) #25

At least it’ll be added moisturizer.

(Jeff Ryan) #26

I am also suffering from dry skin but only underneath my foot ever since going on a keto diet. I’m going to really up my electrolytes and see how I go.

(Todd Allen) #27

I’m getting periods of very itchy skin sprinkled all over my body from foot to head without noticeable dryness, rash, bumps or obvious cause. It’s been happening almost daily sometimes several times a day. I’ve made a lot of dietary changes but haven’t been able to find a food trigger such as dairy or stevia. If anything it seems worse when eating less.

(Michelle) #28

sometimes itchy skin can be a signal of dryness, even without rash or bumps. I know a lot of men don’t use lotion, but have you tried anything topical?

(Todd Allen) #29

I haven’t tried lotions. I’d just about have to bathe in stuff as when an itchy spell starts it can hit most anywhere. And some places like the top of my head or an eyelid seem like awkward places to apply something.


I can only speak to my own observations and with me, it’s usually been because I was eating more cheap polyunsaturated oils and less saturated fat oils.

For example, over-the-counter mayonnaise is typically made with cheap polyunsaturated vegetable oils as well as almost all the salad dressings, even ones that happen to otherwise be ketogenic and eating lot of these usually results in similar feelings for me.

I don’t currently have access to the “better” polyunsaturated oils, such as high-oleic sunflower oil, so I can’t say if it’s actually the garbage in the cheap stuff or if it is actually a difference between polyunsaturated and saturated oils.

My best guess is that for me, it’s the garbage included in the cheap stuff.

The stress below was added by me.

However, not all sunflower oil is high in omega-6. Standard (high-linoleic) sunflower oil is indeed high in linoleic acid, an omega-6 fat, but high-oleic sunflower oil is at least 82% oleic acid, the same monounsaturated fat found in olive oil, lard, and your very own adipose tissue, while being extremely low in PUFAs (I’ve even seen a sunflower oil with just half a gram of omega-6 per tablespoon, comparable to macadamia oil).

(Todd Allen) #31

I’m not eating much if any oils, except for coconut and evoo, but I am eating a lot of nuts and seeds which are high in pufa. I didn’t think about those as they are all things I’ve eaten for a very long time without trouble, but I never ate very much of them when I was striving to be low fat and now I eat much more of them. I was looking for the problem to be coming from a new food but perhaps it is a change of quantity.

(Julie Pegler) #32

I know there is something called a “keto rash” I don’t know much about it though.


I am curious to know if anyone found a solution to their dry skin problems? @shawnkuplin @Theresa @Jeffryan @brownfat

(Jeff Ryan) #34

I increased my electrolyes and my skin is no longer cracking.

(shawn) #35

Nothing has brought my skin back to pre keto moisture, but I have upped all of the electrolytes, and it’s helped. Maybe I need to increase it more. My dermatologist said to shower in tepid water using Cerave hydrating bars, and to apply moisturizer without drying at all. I think this has helped as well, but I really miss hot showers and my hot tub.


Thank you so much. I am increasing my electrolyte intake to remedy this for myself. However I’m still a bit concerned about taking in too much salt as my doctor told me my salt was a bit high (but not to concern) before I started keto. Probably need to remind myself that it can be hard to teach old dogs new tricks :dog2:

(Jeff Ryan) #37

Maybe check your sodium in your body again post keto to see if it’s still high. How about the other electrolytes are they low as well? If your not sure maybe ask your doctor for a electrolytes check.


Thank you @Jeffryan. I suspect that my potassium may be low too. Will go to my doc and check for sure. Around here I may need to wait up to six weeks to get to the doctor and then another week or ten days to get the results. That’s why I’m trying to tweak on my own. Today’s main “food” will be home made bone broth… and then a lot of avocado and spinach with dinner.

(Jeff Ryan) #39

Let me know how you go.


I´ve been adding more salt, broth and avocado´s and it has helped a lot. I take salt dry, meaning I lick it from my palm and allow it to dissolve before drinking a bit of water. I also am trying to reduce coffee as it is diuretic. Thank you for caring @Jeffryan, I appreciate you for it :slight_smile: