Drinking tea and coffee during pregnancy-REDUCES-baby-size

(Omar) #1

Coffee is evil :grinning:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #2

Here’s a link to the abstract:

I don’t know. This is epidemiology, they used a food-frequency questionnaire, the effects are small, and the p-values are quite high (0.05). On the other hand, it’s a reasonably powerful study (n = 941). I just worry about confounders.

For example, I read something the other day claiming that the study showing an association between alcohol consumption and fetal development problems was confounded by economic status: the low drinkers were also the women who could afford better health care. Apparently, correcting for income level causes the association to vanish. So I wonder if there’s an overlooked factor contributing to the results in this study,

(Omar) #3

I agree with you

studies based on questioners have too many holes.

lots of unknowns and variables.

I like studies based on measurements and large statiscal samples rather than asking if a woman drank coffee during pregnancy and how many cups a day without a mention of other foods.

but I am disparate to blame coffee for anything :joy:

(Troy) #4

Fair enough

(Janelle) #5

I’m a coffee and 2 pack a day cigarette baby of the late 60s. Being a Midwesterner, my mom drinks (weak-ish) coffee with every meal and at any and all times otherwise. Would I do it? Never. But my brother was 12lbs, my sister and I (twins) a total of 12lbs and my little sister was 8lbs.

I have an oddly high tolerance for caffeine and other stimulant type drugs. Not sure if connected.

(Bob M) #6

As soon as they start using models, it’s over. There’s no way to know whether the model is correct, completely wrong, partially correct, etc.