Dr. Eric Verdin on Ketogenic Diet Longevity, Beta-Hydroxybutyrate, HDAC Inhibitors & NAD+ - Interview with Rhonda Patric

(Sjur Gjøstein Karevoll) #1

(Duane Hewitt) #2

This is a great podcast covering the recently published study which is really a tour de force demonstrating benefits to healthspan of a ketogenic diet (KD). There is also a complementary companion study published in the same issue of Cell Metabolism.

Interesting points in their paper include that they had to cycle the KD with one week on then one week off because they found doing KD continuously led to obesity.

One disturbing feature of this study which may actually be undermining the benefits of KD in this context is that they literally used Crisco as the source of fat in the groups with the KD group of course having the highest dose.

This may be why they did not observe (statistically significant) increase in maximum life span although they did see a decrease in midlife mortality.

(VLC.MD) #3

At 25:00 min of video might be of interest to high protein ZCers.

Watched the entire thing.

The aging researcher keto’d for a year.
I liked the science background of the interviewer.