Dr Boz Calculates levels of autophagy using blood sugar/blood ketones ratio

(Wendy) #136

Herbs last post was in May. Iā€™m not sure heā€™s around anymore.

(Paulene ) #137

Ah well, was worth a shot.

(Karim Wassef) #138

I did find that fasting helped me lose some of my loose skin. Autophagy does work, but itā€™s very slow.

(Jane) #139

Agreed. Same here. Works, but very slow. And the loose skin that started shrinking was from long before keto and didnā€™t start losing it until i started to fo 3-day fasts. So for me, keto alone did nothing for loose skin.

(Paulene ) #140

Thanks for the responses @Karim_Wassef and @Janie.
Karim, did you do extended fasts (around 3 days) as well?

(Karim Wassef) #141

my fasts vary from a day to 19 days. :smiley:

This thread captures last yearā€™s 19 day fast and this yearā€™s 19 day fast with G, K, and GKI

(Paulene ) #142

Thanks for that, Karim. Iā€™m hoping to get back inot EF as soon as my rash disappears - fasting makes it much worse.

(Karim Wassef) #143

Do you know why fasting makes it worse?

(Paulene ) #144

Not really - Iā€™m looking into at present. I initially though the rash was a keto rash, even though it is not in the usual location on the trunk (mine is on my shins), so I thought the increase ketones from fasting may have been aggravating it. However, I have just finished 2 weeks back on a high carb diet, which usually quickly fixes a keto rash, and the rash is still present.
Another option I am exploring is oxalate dumping causing the rash, and I think fasting may also cause this.
There is quite a bit of information about gut biome and rashes as well. I think I have a healthy gut biome - I have not intestinal or digestion problems, I havenā€™t had antibiotics in about 15 years, my diet has never been very SAD, and I take probiotics every now and again (e.g., yakult or a probiotic yoghurt). The only time I had any signs of candida was when I was pregnant, last time almost 20 years ago.
This article on fasting references histamines and gut biome in fasting but antihistamines have made no difference to the rash. However, the article also mentioned a thing called Substance P, which I have never heard of before. So Iā€™m currently looking into that.
Iā€™m leaning towards it being an oxalate-related rash. One of the remedies is to increase calcium so I started taking a calcium supplement last weeks, and there has been some improvement, but it is not dramatically improved. I have also been applying topical cortisol cream for a few weeks, with varying results.
This week I am back on keto so Iā€™ll see if it gets worse again.

(Ricardo Wheelock) #145

Guys, I am bit worried, I need some help/advice:
I started what I expected to be a 7 day fast. But my sugar level where too low from the start, So at 60 hours I felt some pain in my kidneys and dec

ided too look what normal sugar levels should look like, I got so worried about Hypoglycemia that I decided to stop immediately, I just had some watermelon, very little, and I am sharing my numbers expecting someone to chime in. As you can see I got into what is known as deep autophagy level quite fast but those sugar numbers got me really worried. I have never been diabetic or had any diabetes problems.

(Karen) #146

Iā€™m certainly not a doctor but it seems like maybe you should do shorter fasts

(Karim Wassef) #147

I can function just fine at 35G and 5Kā€¦ the low glucose at low ketones are the concern: 42G and 0.7Kā€¦

If ketones are high enough, the need for glucose drops to the basic essentials - red blood cells and some nervous system/brain function.

With low ketones, that looks offā€¦ I would get a second meter (or borrow from a friend) to confirm that yours is accurate.

I would stop a fast if you feel pain. Kidney pain may be the result of dehydration so make sure youā€™re taking enough salt and water (actually I take a range of minerals when I do extended fasts). My longest fast was 19 days and I usually get to that deep autophagy after the first week.

Thatā€™s just my n=1ā€¦ Iā€™m not a medical doctor, just a personal experimenter.

(Ricardo Wheelock) #148

thank you Karim, really useful stuff!

(Karim Wassef) #149

Glad to help. Iā€™m a dataphile myself so I track almost everything I can to make sense of thingsā€¦

(Eugene Lynch) #150

Most serious research Doctors qualify every statement about autophagy in humans with something like, ā€œWe donā€™t know, but in animalsā€¦ā€ Having said that I think Dr. Bozā€™s metric is useful, when viewed in a state of protein restriction/denial.
Others have already noted this but I think it bears repeating:
The 2 sensor pathways that we know how to manipulate for autophagy are AMPK and mTOR. Ketosis activates AMPK. Limit the amino acid pool, specifically leucine and 2 others that activate mTOR. So if one is restricting/denying protein intake that should limit mTOR activation.
Those 2 together SHOULD stimulate autophagy in humans, I believe it does watching my age spots fade, scars diminish, also loose skin and wrinkles from being fat disappear.
Having said all that, I am so lean now that I will only do fat fasting in the future. On day 5/7 of a well hydrated adequate electrolyte fast I was absolutely drained, drank some MCT and got on with it knowing I didnā€™t really mess with the autophagy promoting pathways too much.
I believe/hope that the animal data will be proven to extend to humans.

(Jane) #151

I have seen my age spots flake off after fasting so I am a believer

(Karim Wassef) #152

My conclusion is a little different. Iā€™m 47 and my concern isnā€™t just with losing fat or recycling bad lean tissue with autophagy. I am also very much interested in building up a base of new lean muscle mass.

I think mTOR is much maligned but itā€™s just as important as AMPK for longevity. The difference is whether itā€™s chronically high or intermittently high.

My goal is to maximize both by being in autophagy most of the time but spiking AMPK with protein and heavy weightlifting to increase muscle hypertrophy locallyā€¦ then get back into autophagy. If I can do this in a state of higher ketones, then I also get the lean mass preservation mechanismsā€¦

Itā€™s tricky, so I try extended multi-week fasts, protein sparing keto/fast, keto, cyclic fasting, etcā€¦

(Eugene Lynch) #153

I donā€™t know if you were responding to me but I see no discrepancy, and I train with heavy lifts while fasting because I donā€™t care so much about muscle autophagy, I want organ autophagyā€“liver, kidneys,brain, gut etc.

(Katherine) #154

Hi Karim - I am obsessed with this graph. I love the way you are thinking about looking at GKI and body fat percentage. Iā€™ve been fasting for 2+ years, but Iā€™ve just started tracking my GKI (and doing keto) in the last few weeks. May I ask, how did you create this graph? Iā€™d love to try and recreate this with my data! Thank you! Katherine

(Karim Wassef) #155

Hi Katherine and welcome. I use excel and plot the GKI and BF% on two axes (primary and secondary). I canā€™t post the excel on the forum so Iā€™m not sure the easiest way to share it, but someone else on the forum may know?