Dr Bernstein diet solution question

(Liza) #1

Before keto I was following Dr Bernstein Diabetes solution 20 carbs. He does not accentuate fats. Is it necessary to have so much fat on keto?

(Kerin ) #2


(TJ Borden) #3

There’s actually a LOT of aspects to what seems like such a simple question.

First, it depends on your goals, but to keep it somewhat general:

Fat should be where a bull of your energy comes from, either fat from your plate, or fat from your body. Once you’re fat adapted, if you have plenty of fat on board, you don’t need to eat much of it. Especially if you’re eating fatty meat. If you eat mostly ribeye or fatty ground beef, you don’t need to ADD much. If your eat mostly lean chicken breast, you need to drown that shit in butter.

This is where EAT FAT TO SATIETY is key. That’s your body’s way of telling you if it needs you to supplement the energy you are pulling from storage with energy from your plate.

(less is more, more or less) #4

Or, better, keep the schmaltz for this very use. Actually, lard is quite tasty here, too.

(Janet) #5

Dr Bernstein’s protocol is excellent for managing diabetes, is there a reason to change?


Just eat as much as you need: “Eat when hungry. Stop when full. Mostly meats.”

Fat is now your primary energy source. If hunger isn’t signaling that you need more energy, you probably don’t need more fat. Protein is the only goal to strive to meet or exceed.

(TJ Borden) #7

I’ve typed the basics of keto so much, that as soon as I type “20 grams” my phone will auto type all the rest.

But you, my friend, have just shown me an even easier, even more basic version of the basics of keto.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: I love it.

(Liza) #8

Thank you.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #9

Apparently the body does get the last word. My body told me to buy 90% cocoa Lindt chocolate at Wal-Mart yesterday. The devil made me do it. (Actually my best friend). Haven’t had chocolate in four years!! And I am stuffed!

(O. Kur) #10

Not, if you are a T1D.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #11

While I am not familiar with Dr. Bernstein’s protocol, myself, I imagine that it would probably help Type I’s as well as Type II’s. The difference, of course, is that Type I’s absolutely require some level of exogenous insulin, but from presentations I have seen by Type I diabetics at low-carb conferences, a low-carbohydrate diet such as Dr. Bernstein’s helps keep serum glucose in the normal range, eliminating the need for the pre-prandial insulin.

Dr. Stapleton, for example has done several presentations to LCDU events (available on YouTube on the LCDU channel), showing graphs of his glucose and his daily insulin dose. He maintains that the stability of glucose levels promoted by a LCHF diet considerably minimizes the risk of hypos and consequently greatly reduces the need for insulin. He finds he does well on only his daily dose, and he doesn’t need to supplement with insulin before meals.

(Liza) #12

Thank you for this information. I am not type 1 diabetic. I’m just trying to understand the difference in ketogenic diets with the focus on more fats and Dr. Bernstein’s diabetes solution which is low carb and ketogentic but without a heavy fat macro.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #13

We focus on fat only because it stimulates insulin secretion so little that it is a safe source of calories. We have also found that the body is reluctant to use its store of excess fat if it’s not getting enough calories, hence the constant refrain of “eat fat to satiety.” It’s not that fat is magic, or anything, just that we shouldn’t be depriving our body of energy. It needs that energy to heal and to feel safe letting go of excess fat.

ETA: Also, if we’re trying to keep protein moderate, fat is the only macro left that we can eat all we want of. But the experts seem to be coming around to the idea that high protein isn’t as much of a problem as was originally assumed, so perhaps we don’t need to worry about high protein. The science on this point isn’t completely settled, however, and the experts’ recommendations vary considerably.

It seems safe to say, however, that if you are experiencing symptoms of malnutrition, you probably need more protein, and that if people are smelling ammonia on your breath, you need to cut back. That’s a pretty wide range of protein intake.

Why do I need to eat fat on a Ketogenic Diet?
(Canadian Beauty) #14

Not sure if you have been to Dr Bernstein’s but that diet is FAR from ketogenic. 800 calories a day, no fat, super restricted in the foods you eat. The minute you put something in your mouth not on the plan you will gain all of your weight back. It’s like comparing apples to avocado’s!


Really well said, as usual, Paul! Great succinct explanation.

(Bunny) #16

Grinding my axe as usual:

There is not the eating of much fat required on a ketogenic diet, you simply process fat the way nature intended your genetic wiring to do without the need for much exogenous man made sugars and processed foods, the term Low Carb High Fat LCHF does not do it any justice, just as low fat could mean the same thing, it is like an ancient definition about something we understand better now!

I think that is one of the biggest misconceptions rolling around in peoples heads out their, we nudge each other here on the forum and comment about eating more fat because we can, and it is safe to eat more if you would like too, but it is not necessary, the problem is, we have been told by the powers that be, that FAT is bad, SUGAR is good when it is the polar opposite of what the financially invested want us to believe so they can fill their pockets with your money to put you in an earlier grave, because they simply want to remain ignorant or know it is wrong but will do it anyway as long as they can go undetected without consequence (sociopaths)!

So now people think non-hydrogenated saturated animal fats are bad to eat when it is the hydrogenated (man made stuff) trans fats in vegetable and animal oils/fats and the eating of sugar on top of it (the worst thing you can do) that’s apparently the root cause for the obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease (etc.) and the vast majority of common health problems world wide that are not coincidently natural, I can see no other explaination for it!

Unprocessed extra virgin fats/oils from animals, plants (if you don’t heat it) alone will not harm you and are beneficial to the human body!

Sugar by itself (and eating fat with it) and eating too much of it will severely damage the body extensively with enough time and is the core attribute of 95% of the deaths world wide, the root cause being, eating too much of it!

(Liza) #17

There is another Bernstein and Bernstein Diet online that is not Dr Richard Bernstein who has championed low carb eating for diabetics. Dr. Richard Bernstein is medium fat, low carb. I have brought my sugars under control with his methods before doing keto. Which the both are very low carb. I have been considered pre diabetic but I am definitely insulin resistant and metabolic syndrome. Losing on keto but very slowly. Since Apr 18 with no slips 174 and now 159. Ketosis the whole time.

(TJ Borden) #18

It’s almost annoying how smart and articulate @PaulL is. :joy:

(Liza) #19

No counting calories only low carb.

(TJ Borden) #21

Hunger is your body’s way of telling you it needs energy. Most of us just aren’t used to trusting it because the hunger and satiety signals get fucked up on a SAD.

With keto, and fat adaptation, you can trust those signals again. The reason many notice a reduction in hunger is because those signals are working again and your body is getting energy from stored fat. Now, when you’re hungry, it means your body has pulled what it can from storage and needs you to eat.