Does time of the month affect weight loss during fast?

(Erin ) #1

I started my TOM yesterday morning, started my fast at night 10pm. As of now I am up a few pounds. (14 hours into my 36 hour fast).

I have a scale that shows body fat, water and BMI. How accurate are these on the scale? What’s strange is I thought it was just water weight but according to the numbers 4 days ago, every one of them is up EXCEPT the water lol. Are these numbers just screwy??? It says my body fat and my BMI are higher. But I’ve been fasting since last night at 10.
Weird right?

I think I should throw this thing in the lake.

Also anyone know about ketones during this time? Yesterday the strip showed more than this morning…showed nothing at all! And I am 14 hours into my fast. Hmmmmmmm.

Do our monthly times mess with all of this? Should I give it a few days?

(Heidi ) #2

no idea…i’m interested too. And yes I would toss that scale…how can it possible be accurate lol

(Erin ) #3

Lol! I know ! But scales have that funny way of really crushing you even when you know it just can’t be real! Lol

(Keri) #4

Based on my experience with tracking and comparing trends in my own cycle, I would say yes. The menstrual cycle is an annoying disrupter for weight loss, glucose control, etc. The good news is, it’s probably mostly water and usually drops again once the hormones release their stranglehold on your metabolism.

+1 for throwing the scale in the lake! I had one of those. I was happy to get rid of it and just get a normal, accurate, single-purpose scale. I could weigh myself, drink a big glass of water and it would attribute the additional weight to body fat. The dang thing was just guessing. From what I’ve read on these things, you have to spend a lot of money for a fancy medical-grade impedance device just to get semi-accurate info on body fat.

(Jennifer) #5

Very much so - I can gain 5-7 pounds of water the week before my cycle starts. Comes right off, so not a problem. If it bothers you, don’t step on the scale that week. Or better yet, only weigh once a month.


(Naomi Brewster) #6

Absolutely based on my experiences but the good news it seems to be water weight. If you KCKO then you loose it after the cycle has finished. I do find that I am more prone to cravings for carbs during this time - especially just prior or 1 or 2nd day and sometimes I let myself have that splurge - just a little bit. It hasn’t impacted my overall weight loss at all but I also have stopped weighing myself on a period week knowing that everything is a little off that week.

(Erin ) #7

Yes thanks!!! I go nuts for sweets omg it’s the worst.

I will be staying away from the scale for a couple of days.

Thanks for the advice !