Do you feel different?

(What The Fast?!) #1

Hi all! Many of you know me (and have seen my rants and struggles) but for those that don’t, here’s a BRIEF summary:

I’ve been keto for about 10 months and while I am about 32-33% body fat (DEXA scans) and am definitely fat adapted, in ketosis, practice extended and intermittent fasting, have low fasted insulin and great blood work that does not show signs of insulin resistance…My weight loss has been nill. I’ve lost a couple of pounds (generally from fasting) but it has always come back. When I have “cheated” it’s been with single meals - and really only a few bites of non-keto foods, nothing crap/processed food, and then I’ll fast or do a really tough workout afterwards to get back into ketosis. (I also work out. consistently.)

The major benefit I’ve seen from keto is significantly improved allergies and the ability to bike for long periods without feeding on the bike.

My question is this: I don’t feel any different in ketosis than I ever have before. I should preface this by saying I’ve always had solid constant energy throughout the day. Everyone talks about how they can “feel” when they’re in ketosis, but I don’t know what they’re talking about. I just feel normal all the time.

Since it’s been almost a year now, I’m feeling lost - I have put more people than I count on keto and everyone has the results that I’m looking for, but I haven’t experienced them myself (the weight loss I mean).

I haven’t changed in size/measurements and I haven’t lost weight, I don’t feel different and it’s really hard for me to tell people how amazing keto is when I’m not exactly a shining example of a before/after picture. Since starting keto, I’ve also hadn’t major :poop: issues - no matter how’s much I supplement with magnesium and salt, it’s still impacted and painful.

I started to wonder if this is just not right for my body…but then I think, if it healed my allergies, how can that be the case? I’d love thoughts from the vets here…I can only KCKO for so long! I’m trying to join IDM right now, just waiting on my new FSA account to kick in.

Alright, I got a little off topic here - I meant to just ask if you feel different in ketosis but got off on a tangent. Oops!

(Lonnie Hedley) #2

Yes, I definitely feel different and can tell I’m in ketosis without the need to test. (Humblebrag) I’ve lost weight, and I feel the mental clarity and extra energy. Since you asked, I’ve heard that Keto may not be for everyone. That’s not to say you shouldn’t KCKO, because your allergies are gone. Why would you want them to come back? I hope with some tweaks, you’re able to figure out a change that helps you get the results you’re looking for. You’re well aware this group is great for support. I’m sure there will be lots of replies with suggestions. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to hearing about your WHOOSH.

(Arlene) #3

Andrea, I applaud your tenacity!!! I also want to add that this way of eating has greatly reduced my allergies too, as well as the number of times I get sick during the year. Previous to this I would easily catch every cold that came around. If something was going around, I would for sure get sick. Not anymore. That alone is a big advantage of this way of eating, and I would encourage you to continue to stick with it.
As for your frustrating weight loss issues, I would suggest looking in two possible directions.
#1 - Hormone imbalances
Please seek out a qualified naturopathic doctor, or functional medicine doctor for truly accurate screening and safe supplement advise on this subject.
#2 - Food sensitivities
If you consult a qualified physician, and they rule out hormones which are usually the primary player, these same naturally-minded physicians should be able to help you rule out offending foods that are hindering you.

You are such a rockstar in your continued faithfulness to your best health. Don’t lose your determination. I know you will find the answer and get your smile back.

(What The Fast?!) #4

Don’t worry, that hasn’t left me. :slight_smile:

(What The Fast?!) #5

@Daisy @Brenda @collaroygal any thoughts on feeling different?


I have never got that real buzz that some people talk about. I feel better relative to the pretty crappy way I feel if I am eating carbs - I rarely get migraines anymore and my depression is much better. I am also enjoying running which I would never have thought imaginable. I don’t struggle to lose weight so I do sympathise with your struggle on that front. I don’t have any solutions for you either. I know we have discussed it before. My feeling is that it IS right for you because of the improvements you have had. My gut feeling is that the weight loss hurdle has to do with something else - sleep, mood, stress, thyroid, etc. I know you eat well and have tried tweaking and changing your keto.

(Rick) #7

One possibility you may want to consider is the possibility you have elevated baseline insulin. I recently discovered that I had it and it had stopped my progress cold. I hope this helps, it is merely a possibility you may not have considered- maybe worth a shot?

(What The Fast?!) #8

I got that tested and my fasted (only 12 hours fasted) insulin was just 2.2. I’m thinking I’ll go get it tested again to see if maybe it was a fluke. Based on my test results, it doesn’t look like I have Insulin Resistance or high baseline insulin.

@daisy Thanks, I really appreciate it. Also, LOVING the podcast! On sleep - I have always slept like a rock. I hit a wall at some point at night, fall asleep within minutes and sleep til morning, get up with no alarm usually. On thyroid - had it all tested. What’s interesting is you said you didn’t feel good eating carbs - I actually felt great. Granted, I wasn’t eating loads of sugar, but things like starchy veg and whole grains - I felt totally fine and had less :poop: issues. I’m actually thinking of experimenting with doing intermittent and extended fasting in combination with adding in some carbs to see how I feel. I think fasting has made a bigger difference for me when it comes to improving my skin, allergies, etc…then again, it is likely because I’m in way deeper ketosis when I do extended fasting.


I certainly feel different when my body is in ketosis. More energy, balanced energy, clean clear and focused thought, excellent mood. I will say that my activity level is sedentary other than walking 2 or 3 miles a day. Dropping weight at a good pace when I Fast.

(What The Fast?!) #10

That’s solid though!

(KCKO, KCFO) #11

The ketostix never worked for me. My elcheapo breathalyzer tells me I stay in at least the nutritional range even when not fasting .4 to 1.2 is my range on that.

I feel less stressed, I have more patience. Mental clarity is good and my mood over all is just better. Not euphoric like some report, but I just “feel good, life is good.” I often feel like, I could eat or I could not eat, doesn’t matter right now. So no more “Hangry” for me, big improvement in my life there. So I think I do feel when I am in the keto zone.

I learned I can eat more than 20 grams of carb and still be fine. My limit is around 50 grams. I have an occasional low carb cracker, colored veggies beside greens, and full fat yogurt, I actually prefer it plain, no flavorings except for when I want chocolate, I mix 100% cacao powder into it for chocolate yogurt, so good.
Did you try doing the New Atkins carb ladder?

And my sinus is much better on keto then when I was off of it, still get a flare up from time to time but NOTHING like before. keto/lchf WOE.

BTW are you doing the IDM program? If so any progress to report.

(What The Fast?!) #12

I used to use the breathalyzer but it broke and I’ve ordered two more since then but neither would turn on (oddly). I test via ketostix and via blood testing (sometimes). I get SUPER dark purple when fasting (on the ketostix) and my I usually only do the blood testing after a night out when I’m not sure if I’m in ketosis or not. I’m planning to do some more experimentation to see what kicks me out and what doesn’t.

I’m planning to join IDM - I’m having some issues with my FSA (flexible spending account) not being accepted, but hoping to work that out.

(Candy Lind) #13

@farmgirl has the right idea. I’m certain that hormones are a problem in my case. Thyroid is affected by lots of things, and it can slam the door on weight loss. And I’ve read stories about people being held back by sensitivity to dairy and nuts, just to name a couple of things. Maybe an “elimination” diet would be helpful. Pick something you eat/cook with regularly, stop using it for a couple of weeks, and see if anything changes. It certainly can’t hurt!

You talked about :poop: issues - do you take any kind of fiber? I am the same way unless I “OD” on magnesium or get 18-20 grams of fiber. And of course … water. I’m miserable this week because I haven’t drunk enough. 120 ounces is my minimum to feel decent. Sure, it’s common knowledge, but distractions & bad habits can get in the way of doing what’s best for our bodies. It’s hard to be consistent when you’re doing 10 things at once.

We’ve got your six, so KCKO!

(What The Fast?!) #14

I take LOADS of magnesium, take chia seeds when I’m eating, MCT oil (on eating day AND fasting days), etc. I have taken psyllium husk in the past but would prefer not to have to take that if I don’t have to. I went to a gastro doctor and she said “take Miralax…” :rolling_eyes:

I’ll think about eliminating stuff. I’ve gone with mostly no dairy and that didn’t make a difference. I’ve cut out coconut oil and MCT oil as well. I’ve had one of those food sensitivity tests done but literally every food was on it! I’ve noticed that my nose runs when I eat meat…which doesn’t bode well for me on keto, haha. But, I went vegan for like 3 months (before keto) and was left constantly bloated and gassy. I notice when I eat lots of vegetables, I get SUPER bloated, so I try and avoid heavy vegetable meals. Vegetables actually seem to exacerbate the :poop: issue for me.

(Lonnie Hedley) #15

Chia seeds give me explosive :poop: I’m told MCT oil can have the same effect. I’m lucky I don’t have issues with MCT. But two substances known to cause issues.

(What The Fast?!) #16

That’s what I’m hoping for, haha. I have the opposite problem.

(Candy Lind) #17

Everyone has different needs. Maybe yours are higher carbs. I had a roomie in college that had bran buds every morning without fail, even if she was eating something else, because she already knew at that tender age that she’d regret it if she didn’t. Unfortunately, I didn’t learn that lesson and I still have issues! :persevere:

(What The Fast?!) #18

Googling now…

(Candy Lind) #19

HA! Probably too high carb, and it is, after all, a cereal!


Have to think about this.

Pluses and Minuses

Weight loss but mostly through EF and I have been stalled since September and no loss of inches or size since November.
Usually satisfied with food, although lately have been seeking out carbier foods, or ones that feel carbier like Fat Head Pizza and Nooat cereal, not sure why.
Have more energy. Without question. I have Hashimotos and there were times were I felt exhausted all the time. Now I am still tired at times but it is not the same. I also want to exercise as times.
Calmer mood, rarely feel like I am getting depressed about something (I do not have depression but sometimes preKeto would feel blue). Sometimes I feel too calm, like I am on some type of tranquilizer which I never take and do not even have in the house but it is a feeling. Although I will still get carried away over nonsense such as someone stealing my parking spot. So still have a little temper flareup.
My stomach is much better but I had the opposite problem always and if I ate too much flour especially my stomach would be a mess. The one time I took a weekend off, I spent most of the second day in the bathroom. I still have times where it is a problem but it is not uncomfortable at all, more annoying. It seems to come in waves not sure why. I would also get heartburn which I rarely do anymore.
My sleep is a mix, I do find it easier to fall asleep, I can now stay asleep in the morning which I could do my whole life except on the first few months on keto. During EF still have some trouble sleeping.
Still feel cold quite a bit and I was always the one wearing short sleeves in the northeast winter. If I am eating enough I tend to be ok, when I forget to eat or IF then I am cold. I sleep with 2 blankets now instead of 1 although in the morning I am warm but not in the middle of the night. It is better when I overeat.

To say on balance I feel much better but have been a little frustrated at the slow weight loss (I am about halfway to where I want to be and even that would be high normal) but I think it is my lazy keto. I do think I may have IR but do not want to get it measured. Even during an EF my ketones barely register on either of my two cheap breathalyzers. I cheat with berries, nuts and cheese so perhaps that slows it as well

My mood is almost too calm which is weird and makes me think it is working