Do you feel different?


Andrea, if you put together how you felt on a higher-carb WOE (fine) with your keto changes (improvement in allergies) plus of course the fact that your sugar and insulin levels indicate that you’re not at all IR, I wonder if you could do higher carb but without some of the things that you eliminated when you went keto. Something like: higher carb using starchy vegetables but not grains (or something like that… I came here from paleo/ancestral so that’s my bias, but there’s probably something that did help your overall health on keto and maybe it’s not the carb ratio per se).

(Karen) #22

Never have the buzz or energy. I feel a bit wakeful. That’s it.


(jilliangordona) #23

Just here in solidarity to say same. I’ve had some body composition changes but no weight loss like I should be seeing for how much weight I have to lose. I am also looking to get my hormones checked.

I experienced 1 “whoosh” of about 7 pounds a few months ago after I started supplanting vitamin D, starting taking metformin, and hadn’t my iud taken out. Too many things at once to really credit any of the above, but wanted to share.


Maybe your body is too used to what you’ve been doing? Challenge it.

How often do you feast? You know, eating to excess several days in a row? It could be your body is still holding on to the weight because it doesn’t experience much time with an abundance of calories.


This has tons of fiber and I have been really enjoying it lately

Continuing the discussion from Help me help my wife:

Maybe a paleo orientation?

Here is an interesting article on why certain diets work for certain people

I have noticed I have been getting a slightly runny nose which is not usual for me so I wonder if I am allergic to dairy or something else I have been eating lately.

(Alison) #26

Yes, this ^^^ Have you changed up the fasting & feasting, mixed things up? I just recently listened to Megan Ramos’ Obesity Code Podcast on stalls, and began ‘changing it up’ - forced myself to finally break up the routine of intermittent fasting and REALLY feast for several days in a row… it was terrifying, but it worked an busted through a stall + weight gain that I’d been dealing with for over a month.

Another thought, I know my Mom stalls and just maintains for months when she works out too much or too hard - she stresses her body during the workouts and releases cortisol, hence the stall.

I’m definitely not one of our more science minded engineering type brains, but these are the first two things that came to mind reading your post. I sure hope you can isolate the ‘issue’ and see the results you’re hoping for!

***I do feel different, but it’s been so long I’ve become accustomed to feeling ‘fine’. Keto has eliminated my allergies/asthma, full body aches/pain, swelling, lethargy, insomnia, and reversed my Pre or undiagnosed Type II Diabetes.


There are people who do not thrive on a HFLC diet. I know a couple of folks that this is true for. I personally don’t notice any changes in my energy level, sleep, or
mood despite being in a constant state of ketosis. But my physiology is measurably improving.

There are some LC advocates (ie. Dr Mercola, Dr Pompa) who believe that diet variation is not only necessary for optimal health, but that it can break weight loss stalls. This can come in the form of seasonal variation (ie. eating more carbs in the summer) or daily variation (ie. Pompa’s 5:1:1).

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #28

Oh holy hell.
I’m like a different person.
I had consistent cyclical depression for years. it’s been gone ever since starting keto 4 years ago. Keto gives me amazing energy. Before I reversed my diabetes I could barely make it up a flight of stairs. Keto allows me to rest properly. Before keto I would wake up exhausted. Keto is giving me control over my appetite. before I was hungry all the time.

You’re asking me if I have thoughts on feeling different?

I’m teaching what I learned to others and changing lives. I have hope and energy like I’ve never had before. Keto has given me the strength mentally emotionally and physically that I never dreamed possible.

Also, I love myself now. I like who I am and I’m happy with my body for the first time in my life.

Is that what you meant Andrea?

(What The Fast?!) #29

Yes, everything yes to this.

I feel lucky that I didn’t feel badly before eating carbs, but I also don’t feel a difference eating keto because of that. 10 months in and I’m looking for more tangible results. It’s reassuring that others have had similar experiences (@jilliangordona - thanks for that).

@steak and @allyfco I do feast - but I gain when I do. I mix up fasting on a weekly basis, I don’t have a consistent schedule. I’m going to try hard to feast this week and go as high fat as possible - olive oil on EVERYTHING and see if it makes a difference.

I also tried laying off workouts for awhile but that didn’t seem to help either. I’ve got two more months of KCKO in me. I’ll reasses at one year - and I do plan to experiment with adding some carbs as others suggested to see if I stay in ketosis or not.

(Zoe ) #30

Andrea, I love your posts and your photo is awesome. It sucks so much that you are not getting the results you want. I am a slowwww loser too. I do have insulin difficulties but keto has got that back into normalish range. You must be so frustrated. Is KCKO without watching the scale an option?? You could measure by tape, photograph and keep a mood diary?? Either way I love your contribution but if it ends up that you need more carb or something else not typically ‘keto’ that is cool. You do what you need for you!


More things that I realized from reading others.

I tended to get body aches and stiffness pre keto (early 50s) that I have been getting for years. While I would not say they are gone, I can bend and stretch. The only time I am stiff is getting up out of a chair or car and it lasts a few steps only. There have been other times when I was eating lots of flour where I could barely bend down. While I have not exercised a lot on keto, when I do I am not sore the next day and I should be because I do heavy weights by my standards.

My focus is not any different and I have noticed I have more trouble focusing at night (I am someone that likes to work at night) but can still do fine if I have a deadline.

Despite barely exercising over the last year I have noticed that I walk much faster, especially if I am in a hurry. Had to pick up something recently in a rush and had to park about 1/4 of a mile away. Which I realize is not far but I practically ran to get it, there and back and was not out of breath at all in either direction. I am normally a slow walker and usually have to ask H to slow down but no longer