Do not open this if you are in a weak place


Thank you and good job on you too!


Aw I love this! Thank you!


Girl you better tell me that recipe!

(Brian) #24

There are quite a few keto doughnut recipes online.

I make mine in a baking pan.

No, they’re not Krispy Kreme. But they’re pretty good. And they fill a void when I want a doughnut but don’t want to blow off the keto WOE and down a bunch of sugar and carbs.

(Tessy M.) #25

Side effect of keto. I read this as “I make mine in a BACON pan.” I do have a pan designated for cooking bacon.

(Tessy M.) #26

Look what just showed up…



(Brian) #28

LOL!! :smiley:

That is funny how our eyes do that to us sometimes.

(Allie) #29

Sugary things just don’t appeal to me at all.

(Missy) #30

Oh no! That wouldn’t be wise. They’re definitely not keto friendly. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil: I don’t eat the real carby sweets that I make. I don’t even taste test them. I make them on request for parties, birthdays, fundraisers and what not.

(Colleen) #31

I had a box of donuts on the counter above my shared desk all day. I avoided it, but honestly, I needed to move it to the kitchen. I will learn to throw other peoples food away one day… not good for them either :face_with_head_bandage: