Do not eat Romaine lettuce (again...)

(Empress of the Unexpected) #21

Good to know!

(KCKO, KCFO) #22

Oh he was laughing at you. They do the same around here, and the gold finches also love the sunnies we grow. We just let them reseed now, grew some mammoths one year, but they are so big and attracted all kinds of birds and furry critters. We had some corn stalks growing near them, the raccoons had a field day on those, ate them right to the roots.

(Carl Keller) #23

Da, they were Russians. Still have a half pack of planting seeds in my shed. I was surprised to see they got that tall. Well ony 1 got that tall. The other 2 were a foot or 2 shorter. I donā€™t really have much room in my back yard and the ground is hard as heck (50/50 clay/poor soil) so I dug out a few wedges of grass along the fence and they shot up like crazy. I love how the heads will turn as the sun moves across the sky like true sunbathers of the flora world.


(Karen) #24

Any particular brand.? Iā€™ve got two bags of Romaine lettuce.

(Carl Keller) #25

LOL, youā€™ve seen that look that squirrels give too. I really donā€™t mind sharing with the local wildlife but sheesh, when they take it all, itā€™s discouraging. At least I canā€™t blame thieves who are just trying to feed themselves and their families.

(Carl Keller) #26

From the CDC:
CDC is advising consumers, restaurants, and retailers not to eat, serve, or sell any romaine lettuce as it investigates an outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 infections linked to romaine

Itā€™s always from a specific source but until they can narrow it down to exactly what source, they will always say to avoid all of it.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #27

last summer I had an amaranth top out at 15 feet. This year, just puny little specimens. The climate, the soil, who really knows?

(Carl Keller) #28

I suppose what we think is really good growing soil is not always whatā€™s ideal for some plants. Maybe they thrive in mountainous soil, dry soil or or soils with fair amounts of clay. I guess itā€™s about where the plant evolved.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #29

Got clay?? I do. I grow all sorts of stuff - California natives (my California bladderpod is constantly having babies), buckwheat, greens, sunflowers. I have seeds I planted a year ago that are just now germinating - who knew?

(Empress of the Unexpected) #30

This thread has gotten really interesting! Thanks @CarlKeller !

(Carl Keller) #31

Yep, we got a litle side-tracked but it was still quite productive. Thank you also. :slight_smile:

(Empress of the Unexpected) #32

I love hearing from fellow gardeners! Think we need a keto gardening thread.

(Carl Keller) #33

Why not? Start a Keto Garden thread and show some pics of what you have going on. Sadly, I dont have the space to grow things besides dandelions and some grape vines on the fence that never produce grapes. :frowning:

(Candy Lind) #34

Iā€™d have been out there with a gun and getting arrested. I hate squirrels! :rage:

(Karen) #35

Super annoying!
I bought them for Thanksgiving. Grrrrr


(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #36

Iā€™ve done wildlife rehab the past two years. Squirrels. I release the on my property and some stay but most go. They can be a nuisance but they also plant our trees and feed predators.

(Bob M) #37

Am I the only one who eats fewer and fewer salads? I now have ā€œmeatā€ salads, where I put meat and fish (sometimes cold, sometimes warmed gently) into a bowl with oil and vinegar.

I personally canā€™t see a reason to eat lettuce. It really has almost no nutritional value, at least nutrition thatā€™s actually absorbed by your body.

Also, we find it very hard to grow anything. We usually pay more for plants to grow than we get from growing them. If the deer donā€™t eat them, the chipmunks, slugs, etc. will.

(Janelle) #38

My ā€œPage 4ā€ plan says 2 cups of leafy greens a day and one cup of lower carb veggies. One salad a day with other veggies in it and there goes most of my allotment. It depends on the day but Iā€™ve always gotten ā€œsaladed outā€ anyway.

(Janelle) #39

And amen on the growing things. I thought I had a green thumb but two raised beds, a greenhouse and deck planters have proven to me otherwise. If I get one tomato, I refer to it as the $64 veg.

(Brian) #40

I hear ya, Bob. I donā€™t eat salad much anymore either. More likely to have some cooked turnips or mustard greens, or some of my wifeā€™s creamed spinach. Those happen way more than any green salad. Cooked broccoli or cauliflower, or asparagus are pretty common.

Salads seem like a lot of chewing for little satisfaction, at least to me. No disrespect intended to those who love them. I used to way more.