Discussion of dietary cholesterol and cardiovascular disease

(Geezy) #41

All of the scientific talk just make my eyes cross and my head hurt. :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:

In my research though I have come to the conclusion that statins are basically worthless, so I quit taking them.
High markers in cholesterol are not a bad thing except in triglycerides. High LDL is not harmful.
Diabetes and glycation is the most harmful thing there is to the heart. (Besides a knife)
Seed oils should be banned from the earth and only animal fats should be used.

This is how I choose to live my life now.


Thanks buddy!

We need to keep reminding ourselves of these facts.

Until it is known far more across the spectrum of society.

(B Creighton) #43

Basically, all living things have 3 fats: saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats. Plants tend to make more polunsaturated fats. They are not really unhealthy in their natural form, and nature packs them with vitamin E to keep them unoxidized. But, when man refines them, the vitamin E is stripped away, and they are exposed to the air and highly heated, thus they become oxidized. Then to make them palatable, they deodorize them, etc. Otherwise no one would buy them. I believe virgin olive oil and coconut oil are quite healthy, and coconut oil is mostly saturated fat. It is a “seed oil.” It is just not really “processed,” but is simply squeezed out. (The studies showing harm from coconut oil always seemed to use refined cocnut oil). About 15% of coconut oil is MCTs as well. It is one of the best sources of MCTs, and is where all the store bought MCTs come from. Do NOT ban my virgin coconut oil, or I will hunt you down… :wink:

(B Creighton) #44

It could very well be the cheapest way to live if it keeps you off the 100s of dollars of drugs most people take every month. I would love to have more accessible foods like you. We have deer starting to appear, and if I grew a garden, I don’t think I would harvest much of it. My grandmother grew a garden every year in N.C. in her retirement, and lived to be 96. Besides her Crisco Biscuits, she ate a fairly healthy diet. She far outlived most of the males in her family who mostly died in their 50s of heart attacks, and her mind was still quite sharp.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #45

(Robin) #46

Do me a favor and just tell me… is red good or bad? You can’t expect me to retain this sort of information and then look at a chart and feel good about what I’m doing or face the fact that I am slowly killing myself with coconut oil in my dang coffee.

Do they make charts with happy faces and sad faces? That’s more my speed.


Rotate your fats!

Coconut oil, EVOO, lard and tallow.
You’ll be grand.


That is scandalous. To the n’th degree.

I won’t be taking statins anymore. Decision made.


(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #49

The chart is very interesting to me. How does Palm Oil and Beef fat, with very different origins, have near identical make up?
And I’m intrigued by ‘Other Fats’ (purple) what might they be?


Unclassified lipids.

i hope that clears it up for you lol.

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #51

Oh that’s much clearer lol …… Engine oil perhaps? Or 3 in 1 oil


It’s 9am on the Sunday before I go on standby.

I’m watching guardians of the galaxy volume 3 on UHD with the sound table maxed out.
Some great music on there.

Peace, brother :slight_smile:


You mix oil and water it will imulsify to become cloudy, not clear at all.


(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #54

I wouldn’t say they’re necessarily identical. This chart says nothing about which saturated and mono-unsaturated fats they contain, after all. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has a Web site, called “Food Data Central,” that gives more details, including a list of fatty acids by chemical structure, but I still find it difficult to move between those lists and the chemical names, especially since there are sometimes more than one fat with the same double-bond structure.

Furthermore, the few polyunsaturated fatty acids that animal fats contain are ones our body has evolved to handle, so they have a different effect from those of the PUFA’s that are evolutionarily new. Give us another couple of million years, and i’m sure we’ll have evolved to handle these “new” PUFA’s, as well.

(Geezy) #55

And here I thought the coconut was a fruit. I do have some in my pantry but rarely use it. I just don’t have much use for it as long as I have animal fats.
That’s what I love about the way we eat. We choose what’s best for us.

(Chuck) #56

I add coconut oil to my smoothies when I don’t have an avocado to add to my smoothies

(B Creighton) #57

I like to use coconut milk as the base for my smoothies. I add an avocado, and then the protein powders, creatine and any other aminos, etc. I started with almond milk, but decided I have enough almonds in my nut mix.

(B Creighton) #58

I basically agree with you about the refined seed or “vegetable” oils. I make an exception for expeller pressed, non-gmo/organic canola oil, although I don’t use it. I prefer the taste of butter and coconut oil. I prefer olive oil for some foods. These fats are just too accessible and convenient for me, and most lard is not from grass fed animals.

(Chuck) #59

I use almond milk for my smoothies but I also add 4 ounces of whole milk too.

(B Creighton) #60

Thanks for posting that chart. I didn’t really understand fats a few years ago, until I decided to research them. Here is the thing. That chart shows the high amounts of polyunsaturated fats in most “vegetable” oils. However, most of those are omega 6 polyunsaturated oils. Look at the small amount of polyunsaturated fat in beef fat. If it is grass fed it is going to have a ratio of about 1.5 to 1 omega 6 to omega 3 polyunsaturated fat. That is a ratio our bodies prefer. Now, it is true that these polyunsaturated fats are the only essential fats(although technically ALA is considered the only essential Omega 3), but the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 in most plants is way off kilter for us. I know this is only a correlation, but back in the 70s and 80s these oils were promoted as being healthier than saturated fat. You would think that when everyone started cooking with them CVD would go down, but if anything it has skyrocketed. Another correlation… the refining process makes these plant oils oxidized. The only way the body really has of getting them to cells is packed in triglycerides packed into LDL.So we have been eating oxidized “vegetable” oils in our processed foods for decades, and CVD has skyrocketed. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Even if dietary cholesterol is not more than 5% of our total cholesterol, if the main culprit of CVD is oxidized LDL, that can add up, and the scientific studies showing a causal relationship are starting to add up. I don’t believe there has ever been a good RCT study showing saturated fats cause CVD. Indeed, there have been lots of studies implicating “vegetable” oils in higher mortality etc. I believe the refined oils basically to be a slow poison, and believe science will eventually become strong enough to be unquestioned in this regard.