"Dietary fats make worms live almost 50% longer"

(Chris Bair) #1

Just saw this on Ars Technica: https://arstechnica.com/science/2017/04/dietary-fats-make-worms-live-almost-50-longer-no-human-results-yet/

The subtitle is pretty biased

No studies in humans yet, but plant-based diets are definitely healthier anyway.

Yeah, I’ll be over there consuming plants when I want the flavor and otherwise living primarily off animal fats!

(Eric Andres) #2

Saw the same article. Took some self control to not “well, actually” in the comments.


Not sure this belongs in the “show me the science” section of this forum. “No studies…[…]…but definitely healthier…” is not science. It belongs in the humor section.


Here’s some science showing what great pets hookworms make especially if your celiac:

This stream of study goes back to the 70’s. I like how we keep rediscovering things and are constantly surprised at the results. I’m beginning to think that we as a species have a lot in common with goldfish.

(Cheryl Meyers) #5

Like Dory in Finding Dory? :smile: