Diet and the Human Gut Microbiome: An International Review

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #1

I need folks who are more detail oriented to check out this review. I think there may be lots of stuff hiding in here, although to me it reads like veggie/vegan propaganda. Keto is mentioned specifically in only one paragraph near the end that refs a single short-term study of epileptic infants. Thanks.

Source and Selection of Articles Reviewed: The aim of this review is to summarize recently published research from human studies on the gut microbiota-modulating effects of diet. It includes sections on microbiome research of populations from around the globe in the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Africa that address specific public health challenges. References for this review were identified through searches of PubMed for peer-reviewed articles published in English from 2014 to August 31, 2019 by use of the terms “Human Nutrition (or Nutrition) and the (Human) Microbiome in USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Africa,” appearing in the title or abstract. Articles resulting from these searches, as well as relevant references cited in those articles, were reviewed. The conclusions highlight the future needs and implications for scientists and clinicians in this fast-developing field of research, and the need for high-quality, large-scale controlled human dietary intervention studies.

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(SunnyNC) #2

Took a quick read to see if its worth taking a deep dive. It looks like all they are saying is diet influences gut bacteria. Pretty useless paper IMO, I think it a well known fact by now that diet influences gut microbiome. They then say more research is needed to see how the microbiome influences risks. What am I missing?

I do believe “high fiber Keto” is better than low fiber keto Naomi Whittle has a books titled “High fiber keto” I have not read it because to me its a no brainer fiber is good. I know from my own personal experience, I feel better when I eat higher fiber. I always have eaten high fiber before keto and never had any issues. I started adding fiber to keto (inulin, more leafy veg, cruciferous veg, etc) and feel a lot better. I also take a probiotics (with prebiotics) pill everyday not sure if that does anything.

(Bob M) #3

I’m the opposite: fiber is bad for me, as are many plants. I have to be selective in what I eat. Olives are good, as are mushrooms. Coconut seems OK. Capers seem fine.

Bell peppers: only if cooked well.
Zucchini: unclear. Issues sometimes.
Sweet potato: not good most times.
Salads: can eat these infrequently (as in once/week). Any more than that, IBS, constipation, havoc. Bad, bad, bad.
Green beans: ok if cooked.

Feel best eating low fiber, high meat, lower fat.

(Robin) #4

@ctviggen @SunnyNC, as Bob M points out… it depends on the person. I finally gave up my beloved veggies when I realized they were the trigger for my gut and colon issues. Fiber is not always your friend. But if it is… count yourself lucky!

(Bob M) #5

Agree, if you have no problems, then eat whatever you like.

As for the article, when I did research on this years ago, when I ate resistant starch and took many different probiotics, I found the area to be a mess. For instance, do we know what is a “good” bacteria? Not really. If you don’t like dairy, well obviously cultures that eat dairy have “bad” bacteria. How do we even know what bacteria we have in our gut? We don’t. Can we really adjust bacteria via probiotics? Doubtful.

I could go on…

And when I started fasting 4.5-5.5 days, I realized that the microbiome HAS to adjust very quickly. Otherwise, there would be no bacteria. (If I thought the tests that test your poop for different bacteria were worth anything – and I don’t–, I’d do a test of pre-4.5 day fast and then after 4.5 day fast.)

Having said all of this, I am eating natto, which is a fermented soybean product and quite high in fiber. I eat only small amounts at a time, though, and I eat it because it’s insanely high in vitamin K2. At the amount I’m eating, there are no effects I can tell from the fiber.

I do think I’ve reversed some or all of my issues. But they aren’t gone. When I go on vacation and start eating salads all the time (replacements for french fries, etc.), all the previous issues come back.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #6

It seems to be completely individual. We have a number of members here who, like you, find fibre beneficial, plus another group who find that they are better off without fibre.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #7

Prof. Bikman suggested once, possibly in jest, though he may be on to something, that it might be best to kill off all our bacteria by fasting for a few days, then letting the intestines repopulate themselves according to what we eat after the fast.

(Joey) #8

Interesting title.

I then read the abstract more than once and my head began to spin - so I bailed.

The study is “focusing on the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Africa” … which made me suspect the authors weren’t focusing their attention anywhere.

This suspicion was confirmed as the abstract paraded through a hodge-podge of diseases without alluding to any meaningful conclusion about anything - closing with the standard academic’s Amen: “Further studies are needed…”

Despite the paper’s tempting title, I’m inclined to pass on this one. :no_mouth: