Did you ‘just know’? 🤔



Hey :raising_hand_woman:t3:‍♀ sooooo I was just wondering about fat adaption. Was there a sort of pivotal point with any of you guys (that are already fat adapted) where you ‘just knew’ you were fat adapted? Or is it just a gradual realization??

(Troy) #2

Here’s a LIst😄
In no particular order
With #5, I’m starting to bonk again :rage:
It’s ok though

Love this WOE!!!

Good Luck

  1. You can skip meals without getting angry, hungry, punchy, hangry, whatever you want to call it.:rofl:
  2. You can go 3, 4, 5, even 6 hours without a snack and also not get angry, punchy, or hangry.
  3. You don’t get ravenous with an intense hunger feeling that takes over you. You don’t get shaky before meals.
  4. You crave :heart_eyes:high FAT foods over carb foods!! The day you wake up and want eggs and bacon over pancakes or oatmeal (if you enjoyed pancakes and oatmeal previously) is a really good indication that you’re fat adapted.
  5. Your exercises, especially aerobic types of exercises, don’t come with their usual replenishment requirements. Plateaus and bonking are a thing of the past.
  6. You experience copious amounts of :boom:energy​:boom:. Your energy is clear, clean, and consistent.
  7. The energy that you experience should be even all day. Afternoon lulls won’t exist. You’ll go through the evening without being totally exhausted.
  8. Your :bulb:thoughts will become lighter. I know that when I was carb fueled, a lot of stress and worries would bog me down. Now that I’m fat fueled, I know that my brain has a better way of handling stress and thoughts. It’s confusing to most, but if you’re fat adapted you will totally understand what I mean.

Disclaimer : YMMV😉

Fat adaptation questions

This :point_up::+1:

Plus, I’ll add one that sort of fits. - When you want to try all the new recipes your seeing or thinking about, but never seem to be hungry anymore to even make them! And it could be days before you actually even slightly feel hungry again, and you actually look forward to it.


Ok yeh I’m definitely experiencing some of those points :raised_hands:t2::confetti_ball::tada:
Thank you for taking the time to write that list!!! I don’t think I would have made it this far without this forum! Thank you guys!

(Alec) #5

I have a simple guide. If you can fast for 36 hrs ie 2 nights and one whole day without being seriously hungry, you are fat adapted. The odd hunger feeling doesn’t count. If you have to really grit your teeth to get through 36 hrs you’re not there yet. If it is relatively easy, you are fat adapted.


Ahhhh very good! Thanks Alec!! I can do 24 hours with minimal effort. I might give 36 hours a go :ok_hand:t2:


I’m a couple of weeks in and noticed some of these already. It is really amazing to me. I went 6 hours between meals yesterday, that never happens. Food is less sparkly and entertaining. Hunger is more like an empty tummy feeling rather than blood sugar crashing. I have noticed my BMs to be amazing! As someone who has had IBS ish for years, this is my favourite thing. No bloating. Don’t have to change my trousers at the end of the day as my belly expands!

I’m doing keto to help my anxiety, so I haven’t noticed major changes there yet. If anything, I feel more irritable. So hopefully giving myself healthful fats and proteins will help this frazzled brain of mine!


I have competed in body building bikini division competitions and yo-yo dieted for years!!! I did keto last year for a little while…just to lose a few pounds …I felt great!!! Then I fell off the wagon and just resumed my old carby ways :disappointed: After a while of eating crap I just got soooooo fed up and depressed!! I couldn’t bare the weight gain and it was really affecting me mentally. I didn’t want to leave the house. I went from 127lbs to 150lbs in a matter of weeks. ‘I can’t let people see me like this when they’ve already seen me on stage in a bikini’:cold_sweat:

So I thought ok I need help with this, I don’t know what I’m doing anymore and so I consulted with a nutritionist. She gave me an eating plan…(she’s a nutritionist right?..she knows what she’s talking about…right???) I did lose weight but I was more miserable!! So tired and hungry all the time. She had me on about 1500 calories a day (low carb and very low fat) which I NOW know was ridiculous considering I was lifting heavy in the gym 4 days a week. One day I went over my 1500 calorie limit…and literally could not stop eating!..for months! Anything and everything in sight!!! Sugar! Sugar! Sugar!! I lost all control and piled all the weight back on plus more of course in a couple of months (30lbs). I was so depressed I start thinking back to ‘when I was a happiest in my life?’. It was when I was on keto. I was just happy :woman_shrugging:t2: Things didn’t bother me as much!

So now I’m back!!! I’ve since met with the nutritionist (she works in my building) and asked her how she felt about keto. ‘No no’…she said…’that’s just for diabetics’. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Anyway since I started back …in the beginning I was more anxious…nearly a panicked feeling! I had to pull the car over a few times just to calm myself down!!! All that has passed and that anxious feeling I always had lurking in the back ground has disappeared. For me it definitely took time of eating this way to get to this point. I’m still at my highest weight .(160lbs 5’6) …but for once…that’s ok! Not depressed or crying about it anymore!! I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks now!! This way of eating isn’t about weight anymore. It’s the mental clarity and inner calmness I get from it.
I definitely think…(well for me) that the anxiety does lift :raised_hands:t2: Stick with it :muscle:t2:

KCKO :kissing_heart:

(Chelsea Barnett) #9

Omg I think I’m fat adapted :thinking:

(Nicole Silvia) #10

Love this!

(Toni) #11

I’ve also noticed that hunger isn’t a “give me food now or I will kill you” thing anymore. Just mild tummy rumbling.

(Edith) #12

Yes, for me hunger is when I start thinking about my next meal over anything else. “Hum… I’m having a hard time concentrating on my work. It must be time to eat.” My hunger signals have definitely changed.

(Laurie) #13

This is from keto? For the past year I’ve been bored and/or nervous. Lately I’m relaxed, enjoy simple pleasures, everything seems more beautiful. . . . Coincidence?


Agree with all your points! I guess 8 weeks in for me, I am approaching fat adaptation. I was able to have a small iced coffee with HWC mid-morning today and am just now getting ready to cook a rib-eye!


Good for you to pulling it back together. It’s a hard thing to do,.


I’m going to add to this list:

When you see a picture like this, and think how delicious the fat looks! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


LOL. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #18

Bacon is life. Thanks


Thanks Ann :two_hearts: though I now cringe at the way i thought back then… very self absorbed to think ‘every ones looking at ME!’ I’m sure no one cared what I looked like…everyone has enough of their own stuff going on to care about how I looked :rofl::rofl:

(J) #20

When I went on a strenuous hike with my husband and didn’t need to refuel with anything other than water during it. My husband had to stop periodically to have a carb boost. (I used to have to eat frequently to keep my bs from tanking.)

I still get hungry and (rarely) hangry. Fat adapted looks different for each of us based on our individual systems and can change over time.