
(Robin Weitzman) #21

I’ve been dying for almost two weeks straight. Like, my butt is niagra falls.

Only thing that helped was eating homemade popcorn. So… Carbs. Nope. Not for me.

I have a theory!! Ok. So I tried all of these to fix butt issue: no dairy, increased carbs (veggies, wee bit of fruit), cutting down on fat, increasing protein, more water, more pink salt, IF, 5-2 fast, warrior timed eating, coffee vs no coffee, switching to stevia only over erythritol, cutting out coconut anything, and I’ve never, ever used mct oil, and I tried adding in homemade fermented hot sauce… So I’ve been eating a lot of avocado, so I thought maybe that was it… Or the gelatin… cutting out gelatin didn’t help and neither did any of the above. Pissed, as I have been pissing out my butt for like 14 days straight (my skin is seriously dried out cuz I can’t seem to stay hydrated long enough).

Only two things I found to work were eating a bunch of popcorn, and only eating if I felt starved. So, carbs or only eating like what ends up being 800-1300 Cals a day.

My theory is this. Getting the Hersey squirts is a common issue in keto communities, and I’m really hoping I can get this to go away, for good. I think what’s going on with all of us is something like the opposite of excess cals from carbs. those get converted into triglycerides and stored as adipose tissues. What if the body doesn’t store excess fat? What if we are simply pooping out rather quickly what we aren’t going to break down since we’ve met out caloric needs for the day?

You know how in flight or fight, organisms will puke/crap to not have to digest so they can run/fight better? Why if we are just crapping out what we don’t need? I think this, because if im ravished, I can eat anything that is keto just fine. But snacking out of boredom or eating a meal simply.bevause it is meal time even if I don’t go.over cals, and I run to bathroom. I mean, run… With my hands on my stomach and butt. And this didn’t start to happen until I knew I was adapting.

800-1300 seems really low for calories for a day, so how can my body function off of little and not try to store excess? Well, ketosis… I’m eating my own adipose tissues… But I think more importantly, apparently the body produces 20% more energy when using ketones for kreb cycle as opposed to using glucose. So, my body had adapted to being a fat burner and only uses a small amount of calories to produce the same.amount of energy. I can have same energy off of 20% less cals!

Maybe my body is refusing to digest the excess fat cuz it thinks it’s in danger. Or maybe it’s refusing to secrete unnecessary enzymes and fluids to break down the fat, since that would be wasteful. Maybe my gall bladder is broken.

But I really think it’s an excess in over all calories, not ratios of macros… Because I can eat and not run to potty land if I eat only if I am truly hungry!!!

Anyone want to experiment with this with me? Dial down calories to a pretty much minimum, eat to heart’s content, but only when really hungry, and see what happens (seems to be the natural way to not over indulge if you know already what to eat to fit macros)?? It’s the only thing other than popcorn that has helped me.

Stupid niagra falls.

(Michele) #22

I have been the same since going Keto about 5 weeks or so ago and it’s only getting worse! I can’t for the life of me figure out why. I too have experimented with foods, adding in carb (my FAVORITE - Angie’s Boom-Chika-Pop Kettle Corn) and no change.
I’m thinking I’ll try eating less - only when hungry, thought that’s pretty much what I do anyway. My husband has been doing Keto for about a month and no issues at all, period! UGH.

I’m also going to add salt as AJD mentioned. I really like how I feel otherwise and the weight loss is a plus. Maybe it’s the eggs I eat every day? I haven’t thought about the type of fat I’m eating so I’ll check that out too.

Of course I don’t have a gallbladder any more, but I still release bile so what’s up with the diarrhea Ms. body?

(Bacon, Not Stirred) #23

Let me just say this:

I have a minor case of IBS, as well as a history of gastoesophageal reflux. When I started keto, here’s what my doctor told me: As low of a carb intake as you can handle, as high of a fat intake you can handle, and moderate protein. She did, in passing, mention fiber. However, here’s what I heard: All the fat, some of the protein, none of the carbs and figure it out from there.

I had diarrhea for what felt like EVER. As soon as I started reincorporating lots of fiber and veggies into my diet, it stopped… Just like magic.

(shawn) #24

I just finished a 93 hour fast and have had diarrhea for the past 2 days or so. This was my longest fast, and I’ve been listening to the older episodes of the fasting podcast with Jason Fung and Megan Ramos for motivation. Megan Ramos said this is common with extended fasts, so maybe it’s the same reason? She suggested chia seeds soaked in water, flax or psyllium husk (Metamucil). I’m allergic to flax seed, I couldn’t remember how much chia seeds to use, and psyllium husk capsules sounded easy and portable so I tried that and my fingers are crossed.

(John Somsky aka KetoGrinder) #25

I’ve had issues with this too. I may have been overdoing the salt. I’m currently 73 hours into a fast and haven’t had any issues so far. So it may take a bit for your body to become accustomed to fasting.

(shawn) #26

Could be. I’ve done 48’s before several times, and this was the longest. I tend to get foot and leg cramps at night, and did during the fast, so I may have overdone salt and magnesium.

(Robin Weitzman) #27

I still think it’s calorie related, maybe not the sole issue, but related. I was fine for two days then suddenly not this evening, and I had a big dinner. I also had a salad today for lunch and psyllium husk and coconut flour with my dinner, so not lacking on fiber, nor in excess. Had plenty of salt, but not too much. Just… Too many calories I guess. I did over eat a bit today, and then had my normal dinner… And BAM. Peeing out my butt.

(Maria) #28

My husband has had this as an ongoing issue too. He has been Keto/lchf for 10 months and the diarrhea seems so random. He will be fine for weeks and then all of a sudden it is like a waterfall for several days. He has tried eliminating certain foods and decreasing fat, but we just can’t figure it out. His family physician ran a host of blood tests and did an ultrasound, everything looked fine. Also, he had a colonoscopy last summer.
This was never a problem before Keto/lchf. He has gotten very thin even though he eats like a horse. His cholesterol is great and he has come off his blood pressure medicine so he has no intentions of changing his diet, however this diarrhea is very inconvenient and worrisome. All I can think of at this point is his gallbladder might be causing the problem without appearing “bad” on the ultrasound or he is having a delayed response to some chemical or food that is making it hard to see the correlation.


Diarrhea is how I ‘Woosh’.

(Marie) #30

After reading this thread when I first signed up in the forum, I have now resolved this issue for myself by eating more fiber in the form of a bit of psyllium husk powder (about 1 teaspoon or less), or flax meal. I add one of those into my scrambled eggs or omelette, or keto pancakes. You can’t taste them, at least I can’t. I get one of these meals about every other day, so it’s not psyllium overload either. I also watch my erythritol intake as well, as I don’t seem to tolerate it as well as I do stevia.

(Robin Weitzman) #31

Holy smokes, Batman! I was kinda right about the calories! Y’all don’t need to take supplements to firm.up your poo… Just eat a bit less protein! Check out what was written about the study of the guy who lived with the inuits for a year and then ate nothing but meat for a year under medical supervision in the 20’s to prove the point. LOOK!!! It says when he and the other two subjects ate over of 40% the calories in protein, they got DIARRHEA!!! So, are any of us eating that high? I do sometimes at a meal, like if I have all fat meals, and the protein of next meal Is high. BAM!

Hope this helps!!

Here. Look look look!!! https://zerocarbzen.com/vitamin-c/

(Yes, it’s an article about vitamin c on zero carb, which is not why I’m posting it here!!!)

(shawn) #32

My protein intake is pretty moderate, and the diarrhea starts around day 2 or 3 of a fast when I’m not eating anything, and continues a few days when I’m eating again. So it’s not the protein in my case. Just coffee and water. I may be overdoing the coffee. I want to try water only, but don’t want to go through caffeine withdrawal.

(Anne) #33

I am suffering from peeing from the butt as well. It happens for 2-3 days every week. I’m a different case though. I have had weight loss surgery (Duodenal Switch) which means my stomach has been cut down to just a tube and my intestines have been re-routed…the portion that don’t work anymore are the fat absorption and some vitamin absorption ones. I also do not have a gall bladder. Prior to going Keto, I was pretty regular for me…stools were never “normal” due to surgery but it wasn’t a firehose shooting out of my rear. Now, it’s unbearable. I have to get up every hour at night and go, and it’s very inconvenient. I am taking metamucil pills in the morning and I am only eating what I can. By default I cannot eat huge meals as my stmach is too small to allow that. I do have maybe 2 fat bombs and I’m wondering if those little buggers are causing my issue. Since my case is not the norm, there may be no advice for me. Given that my surgery bypasses the fat for me, and I’m increasing my fat intake on this way of eating, maybe it’s just alot of fat being sent straight to the toilet. I’ve been Ketoing for 6 weeks now. I’m not hershey squirting every day, but probably 60% of the time. THe good news is that my weight and inches are coming off nicely. Just in case there’s anyone out there w/ the same situation as me please do tell me if you are having the same issues. Thanks
PS. The surgery was 12 years ago and I think my body has adapted to getting what it needs. The body is an amazing thing.

(Robin Weitzman) #34

I’d suggest a fat digestion enzyme!! Also try some bitter green tea, like dandelion. I know both help with fat digestion. Also, I’d stay away from mct oil if you’re not already. Best of luck!!!

Maybe you can try like a fat elimination diet tosee what’s best.

One week only eat, say ground beef for fat (27/73 is 80% fat!!!) And one week do just bacon for fat, and one week do just butter, and one week do just coconut… Etc. See what works best. Keep macro ratios exactly the same so the ratio is not an additional variable, just the specific type of fat molecule.

I’ve switched to a zero carb style and it has been great. I did eat fermented kimchi last night, which is not part of zero carb/carnivorous diet style, and the squirts are back. Oh, I basically eat just ground beef, butter, and eggs these days, 80% fat, so not over doing protein and thus beIN kicked out of ketosis. Anyway, it’s been working well!!

(Robin Weitzman) #35

I’d say coffee has a lot to do with it. Perhaps switching to a black tea, maybe earl grey, and then a green tea, and then just water would ease the wthdrawal.

I also hear that the benefits of fasting start to taper off at around 20-24 hours, and around 72, starvation mode kicks In, meaning the body starts to break down muscle for energy.

(Maria Carr) #36

I have been keto for a month and have had diarrhoea since week 1. I get the odd day where I don’t go, I assume because I have been cleaned out. It usually hits me first thing in the morning and can go till 3 pm. Pre keto I ate healrhy and the only food I’ve had to cut out was fruit. I suffer from IBS, but keto doesn’t have any of the trigger foods such as legumes, gluten and high amounts of lactose. Gluten and lactose I could have in small amounts, legumes were the worst culprits. So apart from eating what I normally ate, the difference is high fat. I am guessing the fat isn’t being metabolised as it should. I haven’t lost weight in the 4th week and my concern is that if my gut flora isn’t balanced that I won’t lose weight. Which has been the case with IBS. I have cut back on fat the past two days and this morning’s epic bathroom event was the worst yet. I’m stumped by the whole ordeal.

(Carpe salata!) #37

Keep your fluids up and there’s always otc medication to slow you down…

Some would say it’s your body being able to get rid of built up toxins. Of course if it doesn’t settle soon I would be checking with the doctor.

(Allan L) #38

I also suffered from chronic diarrhoea and managed to bring it under control by:

1 - Having 5g of glutamine every time I got a gurgle. Its pure protein so if I have 3 or 4 doses a day I would reduce my protein for the day but 15-20g. Glutamine is really good at calming the digestive system.
2 - Having a green leafy salad for my first meal of the day with other keto salad veg, with lots of olive oil to raise the fat. Often with tuna for protein. This really helped feed my gut bio and calm things down
3 - Cut back on Eggs. Can’t remember where I read this, think it was Dr Jason Fung, mentioned they can upset the tummy.
4 - Cut out all coconut / mct oil and coffee. Moved to green tea. I’ve now managed to re-introduce coffee once my gut stabilised, but no cocnut / mct oil.
5 - Psyllium husk is an amazing fibre to slow down the digestive system. Would take this morning and night.

This really helped me.

(Maria Carr) #39

Thank you Allan. I am a bit of a gym junkie and of course have glutamine as well as psyllium husk. I will give them both a go. I eat leafy greens often. I have never had a problem with eggs, which I have almost every day.
Because my diet hasn’t altered much from before keto, I can’t help but think that my body is having a hard time processing the increase in fats. I may start taking slippery elm also. What harm could it do?

(Maria Carr) #40

Thank you Peter. I will monitor it closely. Unfortunately my Dr is almost an hours drive from here. I live in the Aussie bush. I’m not sure I can venture so far from the bathroom. I may have to fast to do that.