Decided to post, to say thank you

(Bob) #1

Started my early life as a healthy athlete, played semi pro hockey at 20. I was a big guy for that age (220) but lean and crazy fit. I had a devastating injury, stopped all athletics and in the same period started College , moved out of the nest and got a job at a micro brewery. A predictable course of my life launched from there.

I found myself this summer at 46 years old and at a whopping 458, have been over 400 for about 5 years…changes were required.

I have done many “Low Carb” diets with great effect only to succumb to returning to my self medication for stress which was an excessive weekly dose of beer. As of this August I was averaging 20-30 liters a week…that is not an exaggeration, it is however the first time I have ever been honest with the reality of that volume number.

Today I find myself 7 weeks in and 38lbs down. I started with changing jobs, my root cause for the stress. My wife and children have all adopted in some way the Keto way of living. I have engorged myself in the science and the resources on not only how but why this all works. I walk 4k a day…even if its raining, follow the science for what and how I eat (IF has been quite successful for me) and have refocused on life and family.

I have lurked here without registering and just remedied that, my first post is to say thanks to all those who help support guys like me…I hope to return the favor in time and pay it forward to others.

This is the last time I will ever have to start a “diet” and frankly I find it relieving

(Sophie) #2

Welcome to the Forum! You’ve landed in a wonderful spot for support and great info. :+1:

(Frank) #3

Hockey player and micro brewery employee. You’re not from Minnesota are you?

(Joanna Parszyk ) #4

Keep going buddy!
Thanks for sharing, your post might be just the thing that somebody in a need had to hear to start or to keep going when motivation momentarily fades away.


(Karen) #5

Congratulations in the kindest way! We’re so proud of you.

(Carl Keller) #6

Welcome to Ketoville. Everyone here is so supportive and helpful. I’m sure you’re going to like it.

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #7

Woohoo! Another big dude! :grin:

Welcome aboard, Bob.
Great group here. Little dogma and lots of ideas and help.

I started at 495lbs 5 months ago and broke into the 300s last week. It’s work to learn this wol, but it’s pretty easy to live it.

Keep it up!

(Bob) #8

Wow, thanks for all the positive remarks guys…

@Mnketo46 close, I am Canadian so the hockey and brewery thing I guess fits in nicely. I progressed through many years in that industry where I was an owner/operator of one at the end. I moved along from all that back in 2000.

@GodwinGoGo, what an awesome achievement! Dropping that 4 from my number is my first milestone mark which I am hoping to make by the end of the year. From current progress it would seem that will not be an issue.

My current protocol is 24hr fasting during weekdays and 19/5 on weekends. I am working my way to my first 7 day fast after a discussion with my doctor in a couple of weeks. Primary lessons learned have been the sneaky insulin response foods (not just low carb) and the fact I was drinking far too much water which was causing tremendous headaches. I was taking proper electrolytes including salt but was simply flushing faster than I was supplying. All settled now thanks to information from people like yourselves.

Its been a year, I have good news to share
(Frank) #9

Canadian was my second guess. :wink:good luck on your continued journey in keto land.

(Frank) #10

Here’s a fun fact. 95% of the population of Canada lives “south” of where I live in Minnesota. Crazy huh?

(Amanda Tirado) #11

Congratulations on your success! It’s such an accomplishment and it’s great that your family is taking this journey with you!

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #12

This has been (and still is) a huge learning curve for me. In the beginning, I thought “avoid breads, pastas, rices, and sweets and everything else will fall into place.” Nope! I measure blood glucose response to different foods all the time and there are loads of proteins and green veg that cause a response in me.

Learning keto is not an event, it’s a process.

(Bob) #13

Exactly, testing food response with glucose readings 30 minutes after consumption is important for me. This is for a couple of reasons, not the least of which providing a high level of confidence in what actually is appropriate for my body and not the anecdotal results from some random people on the internet.

This is not to say I test every time I eat, testing is typically done once per ingredient/recipe. If it passes then great it gets logged, if it doesn’t I can do follow up tweaks to a recipe to isolate and remove the offending source or drop it from my pantry entirely…achem looking in your direction artificial sweeteners.:smirk:

7 weeks in I only test a couple of times a week now so its not all that onerous.

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #14

Yup. Gave up on artificial sweeteners. I didn’t measure a glucose response, but I felt a clear connection to increased hunger and cravings when I used them.

I had slowed my BG measuring after 2-3 months, as I was losing and I thought I was about to become another “former T2D” keto person, but it became apparent I’m a lot more metabolically deranged than I thought.

So… back to 2-3 daily measurements until I figure me out better.

Keep grinding, Bob. We’ll figure out what makes us tick eventually. :grin:

(Bill C) #15

You must be around Duluth, eh?

(Bill C) #16

Yeah, with a name like Leblanc had to give the edge to Canada. Kind of like Boudreaux in Louisiana. Lol

(Frank) #17

Yah eh. You betcha.