Daily essential amino acid requirements?


As per the above article. A grown adult requires 214mg of essential amino acids per kg of bodyweight. I’m at 65kg. So 214x65=13910mg… 14g of protein per day.

I’ve noticed that if eat too much protein… The hair on my head doesn’t hold itself up but the opposite is true with very little protein.

How much protein is actually required?

(Allie) #2

Depends on the individual and their lifestyle / activity levels.
Everyone has to find what suits them.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #3

Short answer: more than 14 grams.

Longer answer: 1 - 2 grams per kg of lean body mass.


That 100% depends on the individual, body size, muscle mass, and aside from muscle every cell in our body requires protein. I’ve yet to ever hear somebody have an issue going with the 1g/lb of bodyweight. Lifting for muscle mass a little more. But that gives you wiggle room where you’re not gonna have a deficiency, yet not overdo it either. If you hit the point of overdoing protein, you’ll know it.

(Ohio ) #5

“Daily” essential amino acids is actually a problem.

I believe it’s a weekly intake amount. Weightlifters notice gains & muscle density doing “protein fasts” once a week. I read the fast amount was 15g or less?

I believe Glycine is a “non essential” amino your body makes naturally when you don’t consume enough. That one by itself is worth a separate search, study.

(BuckRimfire) #6

14 grams per day is FAR lower than any recommendation I’ve ever seen. The lowest I’m familiar with is 0.7 g / Kg of lean body mass. Fitness and keto advisors usually come in quite a bit higher.

I’m exercising fairly hard and trying to gain a little muscle, and I’m aiming for about 120 grams or more per day @ my current weight of 157 pounds and about 11% body fat. I’ll admit I don’t track it very carefully most days, but I start each day with a 30 gram protein shake, then have four eggs for breakfast an hour later, so that’s almost 1/2 of my 120 grams right there.

Don’t worry about eating too MUCH protein. Unless you have severe kidney disease and/or are guzzling protein concentrates 24/7, you shouldn’t get “too much” protein.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #7

If you do a search on the forums for “protein,” I imagine you’ll come up with a lot of information.

In general, the body loses a certain irreducible amount of nitrogen every day. A study was done, quite some time ago, and the average nitrogen loss across all the study participants worked out to 0.6 g of protein / kg of lean body mass / day. Therefore, the daily recommended amount of protein was set at 0.8 g/kg/day. But as I recall the graph from this study, the nitrogen loss was all over the place, and 0.6 was merely the average, so some people appear to need rather less, whereas some people appear to need rather more.

The good news is that we apparently have an instinct for eating the right amount of protein. You will see many threads on this site by people who found they needed to increase the proportion of protein in their diet in order to assuage their hunger, and by others who find that more fat in proportion to their protein suits them better. The Dudes recommend getting between 1.0 and 1.5 g/kg, and some experts recommend up to 2.0 g. And remember that most meats are around 25% protein, so if you want 100 g of protein, you need 400 g (14 oz.) of meat.

In addition to the quantity of protein needed, there is also the matter of essential amino acids, which the body cannot make from other amino acids. Beef is the meat which contains the essential amino acids in the necessary proportions, though most other meats come pretty close. The “quality” of a protein is judged by how closely its amino acid profile matches the needs of the human body.

(Jakke Lehtonen) #8

Amino acids and proteins are two different things. When one eats about 0,8 g/kg proteins (from decent sources) it will fullfill needs of EAAs.

So eating some EAA-product that 14 grams is enough to those EAA if there is all of EAA’s in needed amounts. But all non-essentials are still missing because lack of proteins.

So 214 mg/kg of EAA and 0,8 - 2 g/kg proteins are more or less apples and oranges :wink: