Cravings after a longer fast

(9a726aa3bd834d574012) #1

Has anyone had cravings after a longer fast? I stopped a 60 hours and I have had cravings all day. Just for two specific foods. This has happened the last two times I have fasted more than two days.
Thank you

(Mike W.) #2

What are you craving?

(9a726aa3bd834d574012) #3

Walnuts and almond butter. I usually don’t have a problem with cravings. I’m wondering if I’m doing something to cause it. During my fast I had water only with two coffee cups of broth

(TJ Borden) #4

So you’re cravinging keto… I’d call that a win.

I’ve noticed I tend to crave and over do it coming off extended fasts. I kind of revert back to pre-keto buffet speed eating and end up stuffing myself before the signals hit that I don’t need food.

My cravings are usually eggs and cured meats.

(Mike W.) #5

Same. I tend to feast AFTER my fast instead of before.


This morning my numbers were up all around. Does this happen when you feast after your fast? How do you deal with it? What do you do to get back down to where you were? I am not at all hungry and the cravings are gone today. Im going to see if I need an meal at dinner and if not fast on and get back on track.

(Mike W.) #7

I don’t check any numbers, sorry

(9a726aa3bd834d574012) #8

I tried a 72 hour fast again. This time I broke it with a salad instead of walnuts. I thought all was well and the next day the cravings for nut butters started again. I haven’t been right since. Is it possible I shouldn’t fast for longer than just IF?


I am the same - although I don’t do EF and only do a bit of IF during the week only because of no hungr + work keeps me busy from breakfast and lunch. But if say, I have two or three days in a row 22/2 IF (or OMAD), then I crave nuts and ended up eat lots of nuts (or nut butters) on the 3rd/4th day. Like I can eat 5 oz of those easily that day on top of my usual keto meals. At first I was eating peanut butter - bad idea, really bad. Now I am trying to keep it to coconut butter, almond butter, macadamia nuts or pecans, walnuts when that happens. Still hard but seem to be a bit better than peanuts - like today, I had 3 oz of various nuts, which is progress!

I do think although these are “keto” foods, the root cause is indeed sugar addiction. Coming off eating keto meals, nuts taste so sweet to me, and I cannot stop… My two strategies

  1. pre-portion. Freeze the nut butters into cubes, pre-bag the nuts by 1oz etc.
  2. incorporating into daily routine, I tried to do a coconut oil + walnut bomb or similar and freeze those into cubes similarly. have one after my OMAD. It does not taste great (ie. not sweet) so I did not want more… But then, I still crave coming off IF.

KCKO but good luck to both of us!

(9a726aa3bd834d574012) #10

Thank you for the advice. I will try the almond butter fat bomb. That sounds like something I would like. I am going to try again this week to fast for 72. I know I made progress this time by choosing a better option to break with. Now that I know for sure this is going to happen. I will make a pro active plan. I’ll check in later this week and let you know if I found a way around it. I appreciate you taking time to help me