
(Geoffrey) #1

How many of y’all are on a Cpap machine and has anyone been able to cure their sleep apnea because of their diet?

When I first developed heart problems my doctor had me evaluated for sleep apnea and the tests showed I was moderate to severe. I was originally put on a Cpap machine and later changed over to a bipap.
My machine records how many incidents I have throughout the night and I’ve noticed that the number is reducing. Last night it was less than .7 per hour.
Im thinking of reducing my airflow gradually and seeing if the incidence readings change for the better or worse.
I would love to be able to quit this machine some day.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #2

Good luck! Let us know the results of your experimenting.

I found that going keto pretty much eliminated my snoring.

(Geoffrey) #3

And that’s what started me down this path was hearing this from several keto and carni eaters.

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #4

I’ve got a good friend who says he would struggle without his machine.
He’s one of my failures, I’ve try so hard to convince him about low carb.

(KM) #5

I just saw something startling the other day. Not sure, could have been Ken Berry? The tongue is apparently a great predictor of visceral fat. The lower third, toward the throat, can gain a lot of fat that corresponds with other visceral fat gains. And what happens is that “fat tongue” tends to fall back if a person’s lying on their back, and interferes with breathing / causes snoring.

This makes so much sense as to why sleep apnea is such a problem and seemingly tied to a lot of other metabolic syndrome issues.


I know a handfull that dumped the CPAP once their weight was “normal” for them. People are weird with apnea, some it’s the weight (as a whole), some it’s just a thick neck, everybody’s different. My father refuses to use his so I stole it for a while, and sure enough I had awesome nights sleep with it, I had my fitness tracker show a couple blips so I wanted to see what’d happen, I do sometimes snore, when I weighed more it was a lot worse.

I thought about trying it again, mainly because I’m a terrible sleeper. I’m floating around 215lbs now, not fat anymore, got my BF% in the 10’s again, but for a 5’10" dude, it’s more than I “should” weigh. I can’t risk an Apnea diagnosis as I could lose my license over it so can’t get it officially checked but my watch does track Spo2 and it never shows issues anymore. My Doc wants me too, says she does them off the books, which is cool, but still iffy to me.

If your machines not locked, and not being watched, give it a shot. If yours has a SIM card in it, accidentally remove it for a while :+1:

(Robin) #7

When my husband was strict keto for almost a year, he lost weight of course, and lost the need for a c-pap.
He went back to his old ways and back on the c-pap.
It’s a choice he is ok with.
So you do you, big guy!
I am putting my money on you being papless soon.
And with the money and hassle you save, the faster you’ll be able to crank out those tee shirts!

(Geoffrey) #8

That’s very interesting.

(Geoffrey) #9

My machine was locked and is monitored by my sleep doctor with a SIM card but I learned how to unlock it and I told him that I had already started reducing the pressure on it. When he saw the numbers dropping he didn’t seem to have an issue with it.

(Geoffrey) #10

You’re bound and determined to talk me into this aren’t you? :wink:

(Richard M) #11

I got rid of mine after losing 60 pounds. I got rid of it for 2 reasons 1. My snoring has almost went away and 2. I knew there was an issue with my machine. Complained, nothing got done but months later my machine had a recall. Got a brand new one still in the box.


I reversed sleep apnea with weight loss.
I didn’t wing it, had a test to confirm before I ditched the cpap. Took awhile for me.
I wouldn’t do as you suggest you intend and reduce the setting, I would be afraid of oxygen drops.

(Geoffrey) #13

Excellent point. :+1:

(Robin) #14

Nice to see your face again.

(KM) #15

I thought so. It has been very difficult to estimate visceral fat without dexa or other expensive tests, this seems to be a relatively reliable and simple predictor. I’d love to know which is causative. That is, there seems to be a lot of focus on expensive machines that mitigate sleep apnea, but perhaps we’re (as usual) treating the symptom which is not actually causing any of the other issues it’s associated with, but simply another indicator of basic metabolic derangement.

(Kirk Wolak) #16

It got rid of my snoring (and so many other things).
Dr. Omara is now suggesting we measure health as the absence of visceral fat! (I love the concept, basically he argues that visceral fat is the SIGN of problems)…

And, to give you hope, I’ve heard of MANY people coming off their CPAP machines when they go Keto/Carnivore. In fact, I have one friend who did for years, but slowly gained the weight, and is back on it. Another friend, like you, discovered his numbers are so much better when he does Keto, that he skips it…

Both of these guys are married to someone who doesn’t “believe” in Keto. One is a Veterinarian, and bought into the whole “saturated fat” (you look healthier, but you are going to die sooner) crap…

It’s amazing to watch how hard it is for them to stay with a program that works.

While my wife will not adjust what she eats… She supports my WOE, and supports me as she knows the difference. In fact, when I come home with Pork Rinds… She gives me a hard time, because Pork tends to inflame me! LOLll

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #17

Interestingly, there are an increasing number of researchers who believe that visceral fat is the cause of faulty organ functioning, for various reasons.

“Nudge, nudge; wink, wink; say no more!”

(Geoffrey) #18

Makes sense to me.

Same here. My wife supports my WOE and has even made adjustments to her diet but I’m a pretty strict carnivore while she is a more of a lenient keto’er.

Yes, to hear that others have improved their heath enough to stop using their Cpap is encouraging.


Bipap is usually prescribed due to people not breathing, often due to neurological involvement and is different from the kind of apnoea that is due to overweight.

There are a lot of different types of sleep apnoea and I think it would be prudent to get a sleep test and informed advice from someone who has access to your stats.

Messing around with your blood oxygen levels isn’t healthy, or safe for your brain imo.

I had two sleep tests that showed I no longer needed to use a cpap, one from a chemist and one from an allergist ENT sleep specialist. Weight loss reverses ordinary sleep apnoea but not the kind that is related to strokes etc. which is usually why bipap is prescribed and is more complicated.

My mother used a bipap.
Keto is great for metabolic issues but it isn’t a magic bullet for all health issues.

(Geoffrey) #20

Thank you for that. I’ll bear that in mind.