Why do you say that, Vic? I think it’s pretty well agreed that most people will eventually get the new coronavirus. By ‘more contagious’ I mean it spreads easier/faster, and apparently that is the case.
Yeah - that’s why I said “less lethal.”
Well, the guy said what he said, regardless of whom he was addressing. It’s really not an issue, despite some people trying to maintain otherwise.
I certainly agree that many consumers are insane. Have to look in the mirror there once in a while myself.
What I’m saying is that most of the economic downturn was already guaranteed, before any gov’t restrictions were put in place. Cruise ships were empty, airplanes 93% empty, people had largely quit going to restaurants, raw materials prices were plunging, demand for manufactured products was falling off a cliff, etc. Even where some unfulfilled demand was present, there were often supply chain problems that meant production was slowed or halted.
I think we have a long and hard road ahead of us. There is cause-and-effect at work that mean more layoffs, etc., in a cascading process, and this will happen even if restrictions are lifted instantly. Gov’t doesn’t have a magic wand it can wave and put things back to “normal.”
It depends where one is. No question about it - it’s going to brutally suck for a lot of people around the world. In the U.S., unemployment payments will be extended, but that doesn’t “fix” everybody. The state governments, which have to balance their budgets, are in for an absolute horrible time.
It depends what the illness is. With something like Ebola or MERS, they’re so lethal that there wouldn’t even be argument about it.