Couple of NSVs

(Ari the Wolf) #1

Went to Target last night to buy those bedtime pullup things for my daughter, and decided to go cruise through the clothing real quick and see if I could find a smaller size of jeans. Mine had been getting loose, so why not?

I’ve been doing keto for right around a year. I’m that oddball that has never, EVER cheated. I felt horrible when I was eating high carb, enough so that ‘carb’ or ‘keto’ flu actually felt better than I did prior, so there has been no temptation. I also started into this at 230lbs, at only 5’5" and female. I wore a size 18 or 20.

Well, the jeans yesterday fit, so I bought them. I now wear a size 8. I have literally not been this small since I was around 9 years old. The girl working at the changing rooms chuckled when I practically danced out to look in the mirrors, and I explained the size difference. She then, of course, wanted to know what I did, and I explained keto. “That sounds hard!” I love pointing out that, unlike mainstream diets, this is easy. Make it past the first three days, when you’re seriously fiending for carbs, and it’s easy. You literally need enough willpower for three days, and then your body gets with the program so to speak. Apparently that’s the part people need to hear- you don’t need willpower forever, you just need to get through three days. That is a lot more manageable, even in the worst imaginations.

I saw the doctor last week. She was practically whispering, excitedly mind you, “Wow, you look great! What did you do???” As though trying to keep quiet in case it were something that wouldn’t be applicable to others. Well, it is, and I think seeing me practically melt away over the last year has encouraged her to look into it more. We shall see.

Had to update my drivers license yesterday. The girl who was processing it looked at my ID and did a double take. My picture looked like a totally different person, enough so that I was almost afraid she was going to think I really WAS someone else.

(Jeanette Villanueva) #2


(Arlene) #3

Size 18 to size 8 in one year…wow! That’s fantastic, and you are being asked to share just how you did it. People everywhere want the cure to their obesity, along with all the problems that go along with it. Just think; you may be the hero that saves a few lives by your testimony. Congratulations, and happy clothes shopping. :grinning:

(Ari the Wolf) #4

I’m already coaching several friends through their stumbling blocks doing keto… And having had PCOS since puberty, I had tried everything I could to lose weight, so losing a third of myself in one year seems absolutely amazing to me, even now! Although clothes shopping is actually awkward, I look at something I think is cute, and immediately think it’s too small.

Except now, it usually isn’t. I actually find about half the time that what I’m looking at is too BIG. And I still don’t always recognize my own reflection when I walk past a glass door or window, if it’s a bright enough day I sometimes startle because I think someone else is walking toward me!

(Ari the Wolf) #5

Would that be hollendaise? Or alfredo? We get all the awesomesauces! :smiley:

(Dustin Cade) #6

This is so Awesome!!! I’ve totally had friends start keto and stop a couple days in because it is so hard… KCKO!!!

(Newimprovedme ) #7

Wow…that’s great!

(Ari the Wolf) #8

Yeah, I always make sure to point out that you really, really only have to be strong for three days. Everyone thinks a diet is nonstop willpower, but with keto it really isn’t. If you’re strict about it for 72 hours, your insulin drops enough for you to start releasing fat, and it gets easy after that.