Could we PLEASE stop telling people that fasting is the solution to everything?


Cont/Alt/Del … Eat/Fast/Fix? … Hmmmm :smile:

(Running from stupidity) #15

My wife is a speechie working with augmented communications devices, and she ends up doing a fair bit of support for them. “Turn it off and on again” is one of her first instructions, but do you think she does that at home with IT gear? No. Drives me crazy :slight_smile:

(Empress of the Unexpected) #16

I am fascinated by the fasting “high,” but my GI tract (sorry, TMI) not so much. After seven months of keto, my GI tract is finally happy and normal. But, if I stray, and go too long without eating, it is not happy. I totally get that, at a minimum, IF is great for healing the body and autophagy. Just that my body, at this point, is not ready. Which is odd, because there have been years in the past when I totally lost my appetite and probably consumed 500 calories in a day. For months. Then, one morning I would wake up and say “Hey, let’s eat.” No rhyme or reason to it. So yeah, my current victory is just three meals a day, no snacking. Today, Saul brought me pork rinds. I incorporated them into my steak lunch. Two hours later walked by them and thought: “I could eat some more!” Didn’t.

(Running from stupidity) #17

See, that’s AWESOME.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #18

Thanks Juice. Just thank you.

When I started this forum the message was “this is to help people get metabolically healthy not specifically for weight loss”. Lately, I’m seeing folks here for weight loss and tips on how to lose it fast and being told to withhold food. Makes me uncomfortable.

(less is more, more or less) #19

Here, here.

I also notice people don’t ask questions for clarity or understanding, both of the OP and the readership. They dive in with their favorite cure. Then again, I proposed a Keto Quiz some time back. I really got to get to that. Develop a “test” of your “keto”

(Empress of the Unexpected) #20

And this is why I hate seeing people give up after a short trial of keto. For me, every day is getting better. I would have to say, at like four months, the magic started. Forget the weight loss, even forget the lipid panel victories, my body is now functioning normally. Just think what another year will bring!

(Empress of the Unexpected) #21

Exactly - my "way’ to keto was eating three meals a day to heal. I was undereating nutritious foods out of laziness. Popcorn and garlic bread don’t count as dinner.

(Mike W.) #22



Instead of writing this up, did you consider going on a fast?

(Running from stupidity) #24

I did one on the weekend, and it gave me the mental strength to write this whole thing in one session.


(Carl Keller) #25


How can I reset my body? Struggling with bloating
(Cindy) #26

I don’t easily give into peer pressure, but yeah, I’ve kind of felt that, since I’ve started keto, I should also be fasting. Not to say that I am (fasting). I’m not. Well, except to the extend that I often skip breakfast and eat a late lunch…sometimes only dinner. But that’s only because it suits me…I hate breakfast. LOL There’s been a small voice that says “You should do a 42 hr fast! Or more!”
But eating the keto way is enough of a challenge and change for me right now. It’s not that it’s hard in and of itself, but I’m still really missing sweets. So I’m tackling one battle at a time…

(Brian) #27

Juice, you made me chuckle.

Don’t cha know that when the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer, the whole wide world looks like a nail?? :smiley:

(Empress of the Unexpected) #28

I’m still waiting…

(Running from stupidity) #29



Yeah, c’mon Kyle, you lazy [spoiler]bastard[/spoiler]. Maybe you should fast for a couple of days so you can get it together enough to write it. (Sorry, not sure of the fasting protocol for writing keto quizzes.)

(What The Fast?!) #30

Things I have gained from fasting:
a.) a disordered eating pattern (dare I say an eating disorder) where I now feel guilty for eating food if it’s not in a specific eating window and GOD FORBID I eat more than 2 days in a row…
b.) the weight back, EVERY time
c.) amenorrhea and jacked up hormones - seriously, my periods are getting further and further apart. I thought it was pre-menopause but it gets worse every time I fast.
d.) a deep sense of control when I am fasting but feeling totally out of control when I am not, because I get a sense of scarcity - like “I better eat all the food now because I only have 15 min before my eating window ends”

Sorry to be a negative nancy on this, but all of this has been 100% true for me. The irony is that I don’t plan to stop fasting - it’s the only thing that drops my weight (albeit temporarily).

(Running from stupidity) #31

Have you talked to a relevant medical professional about it? It seems like that might be a good idea. (I actually had a useful discussion yesterday with my ADHD psychiatrist - because I had a list of things prepared - so it can be useful :slight_smile:

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #32

I’m sorry. I have an ED history and all I’ll say is that folks close to you love you because you’re you.

(Jenny) #33

please add “you’re not eating enough! Starvation mode”! Also not always the answer although its thrown about often.

all these things work for me sometimes, can be used to shake things up…break a stall…or just to refocus…but we have many tools in our tool belt and really each person’s case is a bit unique to them and their goal at that point in time.

all I can say is I was very hesitant to try fasting and I am glad now that I have it in my tool box. But not the answer for everyone…of course. I’m glad alot of people championed it.