Could exercise be causing not weight loss?

(Elizabeth ) #1

Hi there, first post in here so go easy on me. I have been doing keto since all of 2018, but definitely not strict…I ate carbs at the same time, I know it was bad but that was when I was still carb addicted and only just discovered keto. Jan 1st, 2019 I pledged to be strict and go back to the gym. I’ve been to the gym religiously 5xs a week and weight training 2-3xs a week. I have had a history of weight lifting and HIIT so my muscles remember,
My concern is… my weight was 220 at the beginning and is about the same give or take. I have a carby meal (not the whole day) maybe twice in a given month and have always jumped back on this WOE with zero problems, just gets easier I guess, so I don’t think that is why I have remained the same weight…
My thighs and butt have reshaped slightly but my everything else feels the same.

Any insight on what I should be doing?
Not discouraged in any way either, just curious… I’ve also learned to be patient with the journey this time so i take it one day at a time while Im enjoying all this glorious FATTT

(Carl Keller) #2

Hello and welcome Elizabeth.

It’s very possible that you are replacing fat with muscle and that might be what is keeping the scale from moving since muscle weighs more than fat. Certainly something good is happening if:

As we deplete our stored glycogen in our muscles and liver, we tend to lose a fair amount of water weight (5-10 pounds generally) but when we eat a carby meal, it’s likely to put all of it back. If weight loss is a goal, you are probably better off not refilling this energy reservoir by eating a carby meal because it will be prioritized as energy use instead of body fat. Certainly it depends on how carby the meal is.

(Windmill Tilter) #3

I think exercise is wonderful for building muscle and cardiovascular health; it’s not particularly helpful for weight loss though. On the other hand, exercise can and does mess with your hunger and satiety signals. If you can’t trust your satiety signals, it’s like keto without a compass. You’ll just go in circles and not lose weight. It’s not uncommon for people who go to the gym 5 days a week post questions about stalls.

If your priority is muscle building and cardiovascular health, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It just may not be compatible with weight loss in the near term.

I cut my gym time down to one 15 minute session a week after New Years, and I’m losing weight faster and easier than I ever have in my life. YMMV.