Corn oil and your Government says this is good for you!

(UsedToBeT2D) #1

Almost all corn oil is expeller-pressed, then solvent-extracted using hexane or 2-methylpentane (isohexane).[1] The solvent is evaporated from the corn oil, recovered, and re-used. After extraction, the corn oil is then refined by degumming and/or alkali treatment, both of which remove phosphatides. Alkali treatment also neutralizes free fatty acids and removes color (bleaching). Final steps in refining include winterization (the removal of waxes), and deodorization by steam distillation of the oil at 232–260 °C (450–500 °F) under a high vacuum.[1]

(Gregory - You can teach an old dog new tricks.) #2

And to think, none of that keeps it from going rancid after a relatively short period of time…

(UsedToBeT2D) #3

Hexane is a primary ingredient at your gasoline pump. Yes, mix my food with gasoline and then evaporate off the gasoline. Makes perfect sense.

(UsedToBeT2D) #4

I posted this vegetable oil refining process on Omada Health discussion forum (an employer sponsored health program) and the “health coach” chided me for posting questionable information from the Internet. The coach also warned me not to post my own KETO related success story because it did not conform to their SAD advice. The coach claims to be certified in nutritional science.
I think these “health” programs want to keep us sick, for obvious reasons.
I have surrendered my Omada membership.


oh boy if the Government says it is good for me…who am I to disagree

LOL Plant oils are evil. No doubt about that. Plus most times you can’t even count on what is in that bottle. I read up on random tests of plant oils they examined and coconut oil had corn oil in it…corn oil had grape oil in it and so on. I tell ya you are taking your life in your hands using that stuff :wink:

blurb: Ever since journalist Tom Mueller broke the story about how more than 70% of the extra-virgin olive oil sold in the world is fake (cut with cheaper oils), olive oil lovers the world over have been scrambling to find authentic-------------

can ya imagine what is in all those other bottles of oils out there? No telling what companies are doing to it.

(Jack Bennett) #7

“Don’t share information about something that worked for you. We can’t have people healing their diseases the wrong way!”

For me, that feels like a red cape to a charging bull. I would want to post meal photos (“here’s a pound of bacon cooking!”, “just had a couple of rib-eye steaks!”) and talk about how I was feeling better than ever.