Constantly full (but can't lose weight on fewer calories) and heartburn/puking a little bit


(Bunny) #22

This is what I did before I even started keto was to try and adapt my stomachs PH to eating more vegetation (plant fiber) and watching Dr. Eric Bergs Videos on AVC which has to do with the sphincter muscle valve reflex and PH levels (not enough acidity) where the esophagus meets the stomach is controlled by acidic to alkalinity ratios, an alkaline environment tells the esophageal sphincter to stay open, so the little bit of acid the stomach lining creates escapes!

The purpose of ACV and fermented foods is to stimulate the gastric glands or parietal (also called the epithelial cells) of the fundus stomach wall lining to create or produce more hydrochloric acid (HCI), not less. People will try this and say “ it does not work” the reason for this, is because they are not use to it, and expect an instant result, that was my initial inclination also to this, but I found the more I did this over a period of time; that the acid reflux or whatever you want to call it just went away entirely.

What I do:

1 Tbls. of Apple Cider Vinegar & Lemon Juice and take a little peice of that *raw ginger and a cheese grader and grind a little bit directly into this to a glass of water everyday!

*Traditional Bitters versus Digestive Enzymes

Is keto less effective in people with APOE-4 genotype?
(Steve ricci ) #23

Good thing for me that I’ve always digested meat well, my wife on the other hand not as well. I can do zero carb and be fine