Concerns about high fat in Keto diet

(Edith) #41

For Thanksgiving last year we tried deep frying our turkey in lard instead of peanut oil. We were not that pleased with the results. The peanut oil we used in years past did a better job.

Just an interesting side note: I have a cookbook that was written in 1903. It is sort of like an older version of “The Joy of Cooking” with all kinds of information about food, some nutrition, and cooking.

I was reading through the section on deep frying. In 1903 it was understood that overheated oils were injurious. The preferred oils for deep frying were coconut oil, and something called cotosuet or vegetole - which was a combination of cotton-seed oil and suet. They felt that lard was the last to be chosen because it resulted in foods that were greasy. That was our experience with frying the turkey in lard.


(Dan Dan) #42

Wesson Commercial (Mid-Late '70s)



(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #43

I feel like Mrs. Brady was in on the conspiracy.