Coming off of a 12 week LCHF program and worried about drinking alcohol over Christmas

(Barry Fleming) #1

Hi All

I am very new to the world of keto so please forgive me if this comes across as a dumb question.
I am just finishing a 12 week LCHF program which ends next Thursday and I have lost 35lb. The Saturday after this I plan to go out and drink a few beers (quiet a few beers) with some family and friends (an early Christmas party). I know from my research online that Keto leads to lower alcohol tolerance and bad hangovers so I am wondering is there any thing I can do to prepare myself for this?
Would eating some carbs and drinking a few beers the two days before the night help?

(joe churchill ) #2

You can try a couple of Michelob ultras. But bang for the buck natural ice had the highest booze to carb ratio.

But, if you want to get plowed switch to hard alcohol or really dry wine. Way less carbs.

I can still drink a lot but not as much as i used to be able to.

(joe churchill ) #3

Oh, check out for more boozy comparisons

(matt ) #4

You will feel crappier than a normal hangover if you kill a lot of carby beers. If the goal is to get buzzed try a mixed drink like vodka soda or something like that.

Oh and either way make sure you don’t wolf down a bunch of carby foods if you get drunk.


I’ll just offer this caution: “quite a few” beers is not optimal in one shot. Not to put too fine a point on it, but heavy drinking on low carb/keto is not recommended.


Eating carbs while drinking them is a recipe for disaster. Do not do that.
Try jbchurchill’s idea of hard liquor if you want to get drunk. You will feel like shit the morning after if you have more than a couple of drinks. Will it be worth it?

Try to talk to your friends more and drink less? No one is going to be counting your drinks. Switch to a zero carb beverage, it will look like a mixed drink, especially if you put a slice of lemon or lime in it.

(Doug) #7

Barry, your experience may not mirror mine, but while I’ve heard a few accounts of “worse hangovers” after being on a ketogenic diet, I haven’t noticed any greater severity, nor really any severity at all. How many, exactly, is a “few,” here? Prior to this year, I was used to drinking a lot, i.e. 5 or 6 would be “not even drinking.” Keto and coming off a fast, or not, 5 or 6 now is not a problem at all.