Colon polyps

(Jennifer Douglas) #1

My sister had a huge problem with colon polyps in 2014. They took a ton of polyps out and she finally got all cleared out. They told her To have a repeat colonoscopy in 3 years. She has now moved near me and went to a new doctor who insisted that I needed a colonoscopy too because she is young and it is weird to have polyps so we probably had hereditary problems. I am also 45 and my sister is almost 40. I had the stupid colonoscopy on January 2nd and they took 2 polyps. I just got the result that they were both “precancerous “. My sister had hers about a month before me and she had one benign and one precancerous. We both started keto 6 months ago, but because she had all these problem 3 years ago, i absolutely don’t think there is any correlation to my ketogenic diet. The doctor and all resources say stop eating red meat, eat more fruit and veggies, and increase fiber. I am not going to do any of that. So does anyone have any suggestions on a keto way to keep my colon free of polyps? I know the lack of sugar will help. I am taking a probiotic. I am working on using collegen to feed my gut biome (rather than use prebiotic fibers which make me feel yuck). Other ideas

(Bud Zimmerman) #2

My mother died from colon cancer. Because of the heredity component, her doctor had me have my first colonoscopy when I was 40. I’ve had polyps every time I had one. There is some research that suggests diet may play a part in the non-cancerous type. For the 2 precancerous types, heredity plays a bigger part. Gastroenterologists parrot the same advice that most doctors do: don’t drink, don’t smoke, extra fiber, low fat, etc… I have not had one since I’ve gone keto but I don’t think that my colonoscopies will get any worse now. As unpleasant as the prep is, the important thing is to keep up with them since they did find precancerous polyps. I’ve had several doctors tell me the same thing. Not every polyp turns to cancer but every cancer (colon) started as a polyp so keep getting them out.

(Bunny) #3

It appears to have something to do with Lectin also!

See this also:

(Bunny) #4

Cooking may destroy Lectin (not sure about that though)!

Stay away from* (high lectin foods):

  1. Tomatos

  2. Cashews

  3. Beans

  4. Bread

  5. Dairy Products

  6. Antibiotics or things treated with it!

* (notes I took from video)

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