Cognitive Dissonance

(Miss E) #1

I hate when logic doesn’t match instinct. Logically this diet makes perfect sense to me and I’m loving lots about it but instinctively I can feel that it’s maybe not right for me.

I went to the health shop today to stock up on things that may help me feel better. Digestive enzymes, tea for my kidneys, potassium spray and kefir. Whilst at the checkout talking about keto I was asked by the staff what my blood type was and they both said that’s why I was struggling. Apparently A blood types don’t tolerate keto well and do better on a pescetarien diet.

Historically, the only other time I’ve lost weight with ease and kept it off was when following a low meat, low dairy TCM diet.

I’m surprisingly bummed about this. Partly because I’m super addicted to keto coffee now but mostly because I’ve come to realise my favourite part about this WOE is the community and I don’t want to lose that. :frowning:


What is there about eating fish that means you can’t do a ketogenic diet??

(Pete A) #3

I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, but good you work to feel better. Have you gotten good results with Keto?

I don’t know about blood types and diet except what you posted and below article. Looking forward to hearing more:

(Miss E) #4

results have been up and down, out of the 3 and a half weeks I’ve been keto, about 6 days have felt great, the rest not so much. Lost 4.5 kilos.

(Allie) #5

Well that’s just BS as I’m A+ and been keto nearly three years

(Pete A) #6

Not bad. Of course it could take weeks to recover from carb overload and adjust to fat burning. With your results it shows the diet is at least working. Have you any insight on the “why” of Type A doing better with carbs?

(Allie) #7

Hasn’t the blood type diet thing been debunked already?

(Rob) #8

Sounds like utter garbage. Blood type diets were a fad in the 90’s and I can’t see any scientific support except assertions by the authors trying to cash in.

You may not succeed at a ‘bacon and eggs’ version of Keto but I would ignore this guff and formulate your menus based on foods you like that achieve keto macros.

Not hungry?
(Miss E) #9

yeah I will adjust keto first and see how that goes but at the end of the day i gotta listen to my body.

thanks guys

(Miss E) #10

and are you thriving? digestion, liver, kidney, pancreas all okay?

(Allie) #11

Yep, all good here :slight_smile:

(Rob) #12

Of course - no-one here cares if you are keto or not as long as you are achieving your health goals… but don’t listen to health shop morons as a gold standard of advice. :roll_eyes:

(Miss E) #13

haha I’m not, was just thinking about historically what has worked for me. I love the benefits of keto so i hope dropping some of the animal fat works.

(Miss E) #14

Forgot to mention the staff member that gave me the advice was a dietician.

(Rob) #15

Well, why didn’t you say… that’s an instant IGNORE! :grin:

(Allie) #16

There are plenty of anti-keto, or just not knowledgeable about keto, dietitians around. Best intentions, but it goes against their training and they’re not awake enough to question the doctrine.

(Miss E) #17

She wasn’t against keto as a WOE, just said it didn’t suit my blood type.

(Karen) #18

You need to do what you can wrap your head around. OK, the science on keto seems sound, but I’ve spent too many fat years on CICO and vegetarian leaning diets. My mind on keto rebels a little, friends, coworkers, media, and my personal doctor s express concern. My body…well it just ticks along losing weight, with other health improvements. Somehow it just ignores my friends, coworkers, media and doctor’s opinions. Got a “mind” of it’s own.


(Jo O) #19

I’m also type A. 1.5 years Keto. No problems.

Why did you come to Keto?

(Miss E) #20

weight loss, clarity of mind and reduction in inflammation.