☕ Coffee - More Good News! Browning Your Fat

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #1


Coffee’s not the only polyphenol that looks promising:

:flushed: Boost Metabolism - Dietary Interventions That Might Help
(Joey) #2

Excellent news. Can’t wait for tomorrow morning’s coffee/mocha wake-me-up mug. :+1:


If that’s the case I feel it doesn’t take measuring to know me and you have 0 white fat in our body! :rofl:


Doesn’t the polyphenol article dispute the “plants are toxic” arguments found in many places on this site? They’re not just talking about coffee and tea. It’s all so confusing.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #5

Short answer: yes.

Longer answer: not necessarily. Some folks react negatively to ingesting even minute quantities of some plants, some plant substances. Many don’t. Also, the article here talks about minute components of some plants that apparently - for at least most people - seem to have at least one beneficial effect: help to convert WAT to BAT and uncouple UCP1 proteins which in turn boost the metabolic rate. Not talking about consuming multi-grams of carbs doing so. But, I agree, if you’ve got sensitivities to eating plant material approach with caution.

Ask your question over here where I started a topic just to discuss polyphenols: