Coffee drinkers

(Allie) #18

I can never find a use for just the whites and just can’t face wasting them.

(charlie3) #19

Ice coffee as follows
Warm the water by pouring through the coffee maker. Grind beans (costco), pour into empty bottle. Add warm water and steep for a couple minutes then top off with cold water and steep for some more time. Then pour that through a metal mesh filter in the coffee maker to strain out coffee grounds. Pour filtered coffee back into the bottle and refrigerate. Next pour coffee in to stainless mug, add stevia and heavy cream and put in the freezer a few hours before drinking. Finally add ice and drink–my ambrosia.


Exactly. That’s what I do, well I skip the sweetener unless I use whipped cream :smiley: (I use erythritol or xylitol, the latter is waaaay better but net carbs). Heavy cream is already sweet to some extent, it is enough for me at this point.
But that is some fancy dessert to me, my normal zillion coffees are simple.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #21

I’ve heard such conflicting things about raw egg whites that laziness just took over… if I put eggs in my coffee with the cream it is the whole dang egg.

If I painted more often I could use the whites in the paint. It is nice for glowy translucent colors. Or use a whole egg in home made tempura paints. But rice flour and egg whites make a nice paint base… hmmmm… It may be time to get to work.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #22

What is your approximate grounds to coffee ratio? How long do you steep once topped off with cold water? I love the idea of cold brew, but haven’t been terribly successful, so would love your input.

I do refrigerate any leftovers from my French press (on days when I don’t have time to linger over a pot of coffee,) and have it cold in the afternoon. Especially on hot subtropical summer days.

(traci simpson) #23

I can’t use any sweeteners at all. I drink cold brews or Americano’s with (if I make my own coffee) 2 TB HWC. If I go to SB’s whatever cream they put in there but I’m noticing that right after I finish drinking it, I get a scratchy throat.


Heavy cream and a couple sucra drops. Sometimes black depending on what I’m doing, but I only do that with flavored coffees. LOT of iced coffee!

(Full Metal KETO AF) #25

I have an espresso machine and I either pull straight doubles, or a lungo with added cream. Never sweetened. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Ron) #26

Old school - Black with splash of HWC, Decaf of coarse.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #27

I just bought my first bag of decaf in my life. I tell myself I like tea, but apparently not enough to make it if I don’t have guests. But a cup of coffee in the evening sounds delightful. So now I have regular for the morning and decaf for dinner.

(Ron) #28

I am picky with coffee and my decaf beans have to be decaffeinated through the Swiss water process or i pass on it. The other procedures use chemicals and I don’t go there. Check Swiss water process out if you haven’t. :wink:

(charlie3) #29

I make a pot at a time. Fill the grinder too the max. I warm 8 cups water through the coffee maker and pour into the container holding the coffee grounds and let sit for a few minutes then top off with 4 cups water (markings on the coffee maker pot). Let that sit for a while then pour through the metal mesh filter in the coffee maker to separate the grounds from the coffee and let that sit for a while, may be an hour, it varies. Then pour that into the container and refrigerate. I stopped buying fancy coffee. The Costco stuff in 3 lbs bags seems fine. It helps to put the next mug into the freezer for a few hours with stevia and cream added. May be the cream resists icing? I want normal strength coffee even with a lot of ice. With a little practice the above process is reletively fast. My experience is the coffee for ice coffee keeps fine refrigerated.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #30

thanks! Now that summer is here I shall do some more experimenting.

Maybe I’ll measure how much my french press holds and try your method with 2/3 heated water, then 1/3 cold.

We have Metro here, which is kind of French Costco for a Chinese market… I’ve found a kilo bag there I like.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #31

Try freezing leftover coffee in ice cube trays. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Candace) #32

Black - I enjoy a nice dark roast, and during the week we make a pot, and then use our keurig if we want more. On Saturdays, we make it a different way, such as French Press.

(Doug) #33

With cream, or black. Sometimes it’s hours old, and wasn’t very good to begin with, and I’m still thankful for it.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #34

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #35

I love my coffee hot and black—the way God created it. :rofl:


heavy whipping cream, salt, sucralose drops. It’s perfect and delicious!

(Vic) #37

During the work day most of my coffee is black

I never thought I could do black till Keto and when I went black it took only 2 days and then I began to perfer it most of the time

Occasionally if I want something different I will do a tablespoon of butter some cinnamon and few drops of stevia as of recent caramel stevia

If I am going to be out and about and not eat till dinner my wife will make a vanilla iced coffee with butter, MCT oil and almond milk that is nice sometimes too, I dont have this one too often