CNN asks, climate change causing increase in worldwide T2D?

(betsy.rome) #1

Clickbait, correlation or causation?
“The researchers found that for every 1-degree Celsius increase in outdoor temperature, there was about a 4% increase of the total diabetes incidence in the United States per year between 1996 and 2009.”
and “The worldwide prevalence of glucose intolerance rose by 0.17% per 1-degree Celsius increase in temperature”

(Bart) #2

I can think of a lot different words, most of which are not suitable for here.


That seems ridiculous. I could just as easily pick any other modern thing like showing a correlation in the increases in computer processing power and diabetes.


Hey, any explanation that doesn’t refer to people taking responsibility over what they put in their mouths is going to be championed.

(Doug) #5

CDC says 1 in 3 Americans will develop diabetes. So, around 110 million. Obesity is linked with the disease, and for people to be burning less calories because things are a little warmer makes sense. Doesn’t have to be that many cases, in the grand scheme of things, to be true, only about 1 in 1000, for their calculation of “more than 100,000 new diabetes cases per year” to work out. Anything that makes people fatter could be said to have a link to diabetes.