Christmas 2018 KETO Gifts - what did you Receive or give?


(Diana ) #26

If you like those weird Amazon reviews that take on a life of their own, you might see if you can find the reviews for “dressed rabbit” and for the banana slicer. They are several years old, but I hear nothing ever dies on the internet, so…

(Troy) #27

I do😄
Thanks…for the search tip

(Daisy) #28

My mom got me a new egg cooker (holds 14 eggs!) and my husband got me an air fryer. I’ve been making bacon in it the last couple days. Yum yum! We also made steak in it!

(Troy) #29

Not too familiar w those really and saving the best part
But are you able to salvage the bacon nectar for later use?:heart_eyes:

(Daisy) #30

Yes! It drips down into a tray that I pour into my container :hugs:

(Laurie) #31

Not directly keto related, but serendipitous. A couple of weeks ago, a visitor bought several onions. I never use onions, but I decided to use them in pulled pork. He then insisted on “helping” by chopping the onions in my cramped cooking space. In doing so he knocked my ceramic trivet–which had sentimental value–onto the floor, where it broke.

For Christmas my neighbor gave me two large potholders. They will serve as unbreakable hot pads. (I already have potholders.)

(Allie) #32

My brother sent me this. It makes a lovely coffee :blush:

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #33

I love my aeropress… I cycle between it, my stovetop espresso maker and my French press. I don’t know why. Just as the mood strikes.

(Allie) #34

I wasn’t keen at first, it seemed like a bit of a pain compared to the French press, but I made sure to use it simply because it’s from my brother and I actually really like it now

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #35

It’s kinda fun.

(Jodi) #36

Last year my 17 year old son bought me a bacon grease holder for Christmas–this year I gave one to my favorite Keto friend! Great gift !

(Jodi) #37

Go slow on the MCT!

(Ted) #38

My daughter got me an Anova sous vide! I returned the favor with a perfectly cooked steak. :sunglasses:

(Dee) #39

I received a mini prep food processor for my birthday; which is 3 days prior to Christmas.

Instead of the typical birthday cake at work, we had a salad bar complete with chicken, radishes, cucumber, carrots, eggs, cheese and onion. I thought that was awesome!

On Christmas I gave my Aunt who is also shrinking on Keto, a huge bag filled with clothes I can no longer wear that she can. She was more excited about the clothes than her store bought gift.!

I also made myself ribeye for Christmas dinner. :yum:

(KCKO, KCFO) #40

I love the mini food processor, it is one of my best tools. Enjoy it, lots of uses for that.

The salad bar instead of cake, so AWESOME.

Glad you have a family member doing this as well, great to have the companionship on the Journey.

Wishing you a very Happy New Year.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #41

Made Fathead pizza tonight, and used my new pizza stones. Rave reviews! The pizzas did come out well, if I say so myself.

(Allie) #42

My brother is now considering getting himself an aeropress because I like the one he got me so much :joy:

(Cat Gilliland) #43

I got myself an Anova Sous vide for xmas & made some lovely rare filets. Used Karl’s recommendation to brush with mayo and sear in a cast iron pan. Excellent.

my hubby’s mom sent us a soft extra-fluffy blanket. Not really keto, but a huge improvement over her sending treats and candy in years past :wink:

(Daisy) #44

I’m reviving this for 2019 lol.

I got a precision extra blood glucose/ketone meter, a meat cleaver, a vacuum sealer, and a gourmet salt sampler set :smile:

(Troy) #45

