Bit of help needed please. My husband went on statins a year ago and fairly soon felt he was forgetting things. This has come and gone but hasn’t really been a problem till the past month or so when I feel he has a problem. I wish to rule out the statins causing this problem (apparently can be a side effect) and so were going to dr’s Thursday. I would like him to come off them for a few months and have blood tests now and maybe 4 months. He doesn’t eat keto but is actually quite happy to do anything I suggest and change to that way. He is 78 but I don’t want them to just look at his age. He’s always been super fit. If he has a problem so be it….but I don’t want to go straight down that route.
His blood numbers are…
Before statins. Serum cholesterol. 6.8 mol/L
Serum HDL cholesterol 2.43 mol/L
Serum cholesterol/HDL ratio. 2.8
Serum tryglicerides. 0.82 mol/L
And after 3 months. 5
What am I really looking for in these numbers? Are they that bad?
Thanks in advance for any help. A