Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine

(Elmo) #41

We’ll see how good the drugs are that are currently being tested. All along there has been a good reason for skepticism here.

(Elmo) #42

By no means is all the evidence in, but caution continues to be warranted (to say the least). 4 countries have recently found a relative lack of positives versus the negatives.

US: In the study of 368 patients, 97 patients who took hydroxychloroquine had a 27.8% death rate. The 113 patients who took hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin had a 22.1% death rate. The 158 patients who did not take the drug had an 11.4% death rate. The study is not yet peer-reviewed, and was done at United States Veterans Health Administration medical centers.

France: Among about 90 people who had taken hydroxychloroquine "eight patients who took the drug developed abnormal heart rhythms and had to stop taking it.

Abnormal heart rhythms are a known side effect of hydroxychloroquine, which has been used for decades to treat patients with diseases such as malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Doctors in Sweden and Brazil have sounded warnings about chloroquine, a very similar drug, because of heart problems."

Brazil: “A small phase II study in Brazil, in which 11 patients died of fatal arrhythmias or heart muscle damage, shows how risky high-dose treatment of COVID-19 patients with chloroquine can be, especially in combination with the antibiotic azithromycin or other drugs.”

Sweden: “According to the national paper Expressen, hospitals in the Västra Götaland region are no longer offering the antimalarial medication, with side effects reported to include cramps and the loss of peripheral vision.”

First notice about the US study:

(Bunny) #43

Why not prevent it to begin with?

Chris Masterjohn finally gets it?

COVID-19: Getting Zinc and Copper Into the Nose, Mouth, and Throat

The particular bat this virus actually originated from lives (microbiome) on its skin, the reason bats can fight all the viruses and the lethal pathogens it carries is because it produces massive amounts of vitamin C and probably even Zinc, Copper and D (from sunlight) in it’s saliva. (Chris does not know that?)

This virus has been around for hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions (before humans) how it jumped to humans may have to do with that shoddily secured bio-weapons testing lab in Wuhan?

Female lab technician accidentally gets virus on her hands, brings it home and husband goes shopping?


This is interesting. I’ve had the virus in my heart and noticed that taking anything which hooks on ACE-2 receptors would cause tachycardia.

Quercetin, ginger, etc… but I discovered that I can counter act these effects eventually by taking NAC mixed with water and B12 to raise melatonin. NAC and melatonin work together.

Letting the heart race for a bit and then taking NAC/methylcobalamin to balance it seems to make sense.

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #45

Sorry if this has been posted. Found this interesting.

(Bob M) #46

How does a nocturnal bat get sunlight?

(Bunny) #47

Very specifically this virus comes from the skin (microbiome) of Round Eared Fruit Bats (not the pointy eared ones); Fruit, Forage, Vegetation, Fauna = Vitamin C (in the bats saliva; highly concentrated amounts) + Sunlight Vitamin D (they do get some sunlight) and Zinc (highly concentrated amounts).

Just ordered an entire case of Zinc, Vitamin C & D throat lozenges (the correct kind without sugar). If you can get some with a little copper in them that would be good too.

I only take them when I go out in public.

They will be hard to get like Lysol soon. Or learn how to make them?

Bad Bunny, hoarding throat lozenges!

I imagine this particular type of corona virus is a transmutational defensive mechanism (i.e. a natural bioweapon; can wipe out an entire species) to keep predators from eating bats.

Hard to find any real (useful) information on bat bio-physiology on the internet.

Who ever said “…the meek shall inherit the earth…” wasn’t joking?

(Ethan) #48

Tons of carbs still often in sugar free. I use liquid d, zinc, and copper, and ester c


Bats arbor viruses. It’s their defensive mechanism. :upside_down_face:

(Doug) #50



Are you taking any B vitamins?

(Bunny) #52

Yes, B Vitamins from both Brewers Yeast and Nutritional Yeast NON-FORTIFIED.

(Elmo) #53

While I know very little about this, it just hit me that many heart medications include “ACE inhibitors.” And the Coronavirus connects to ACE2… :neutral_face:

(Alec) #54

Doesn’t work… best study so far…

(bulkbiker) #55

Minor confounder? (irony emoji)

“Hydroxychloroquine-treated patients were more severely ill at baseline than those who did not receive hydroxychloroquine”

(Alec) #56

Accounted for in their stat analysis?

(bulkbiker) #57

How can you possibly adjust for that?


I’m not surprised.

Clozapine(antipsychotic/antiviral) with the addition of all vitamins would be a much better option for those at risk. I know it works because my schizophrenic brother who is also A+ cleared the virus in a couple days while it took me over a month with supplements and a small amount of bodyweight exercises daily.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #59

(Elmo) #60

Hydroxychloroquine has been largely put on the back burner, compared to Remdesivir, it seems to me. Any drug or combination of drugs needs to be put through good clinical trials, but I don’t know of any that have really given hydroxychloroquine a green light.

The verdict is definitely yet to come for remdesivir, but as yet no real counter-indications?

" Trump’s Embrace of Unproven Drugs to Treat Coronavirus Defies Science" – As we’ve seen, much of the hype about hydroxychloroquine has been at least somewhat dodgy, rather a grasping-at-straws sort of thing, i.e. without persuasive studies. A given speech of the President’s being rooted in science by no means can be taken for granted.

As above, things were very questionable all along:

This method of verification is hardly “good science.”

Is there anything new that makes hydroxychloroquine look good? Even three weeks ago, it felt like the wind was going out of the sails.