Cheryl's 90 Day Carnivore Challenge: Started on Nov 01 going through to Feb 29, 2020


Just a note for anyone who might need it LOL and I know a lot of you guys don’t…but key thing is eat meat.

the dairy
the cheese
the deli meats
the beef sticks I eat

those are kinda not top dog here. All Carnivore guides recommend real good fresh meat. Cuts of meat.
Like steaks…all beef cuts, roasts…liver…hamburger…ribs, and more.

So when hungry think more of a big old hunk of meat. Carnivore works so much better off that. Good fresh meat heals the body. It is what it wants and we must feed it just that.

I get that ‘wanna have’ something different every now and then and throw in a chicken breast but now I think I need to pair it with beef.

beef treats everyone the best on this plan mostly :slight_smile:

we need to all be sure we are eating good meat as every meal. It truly is what carnivore is all about.

I started to get a too reliant on ‘beef sticks’ and easy stuff on my eating sometimes as I get less hungry and want less, so something like this suits me but NOW I am realizing I best not rely on stuff like that as much as I can.

I think it is meat now for me. Thinking real meat food before grabbing the easier stuff.

Carnivores say the more meat ya eat the better you heal up and thrive so I need to keep that in mind :slight_smile:

(Heather) #153

@Fangs, I completely agree! I have cut out the majority of the processed junk and I noticed that my cravings became even less. I still eat cheese (about 2 oz. per day), but I’m working on that. I also have 2 T. of HWC in my morning coffee, but it doesn’t affect my cravings, so I’m okay with that. I also feel the best when I eat beef! I ate chicken thighs for lunch and my body is saying, “Meh. Gimme more!”

On another note, does anyone feel “wired” all of the time? I feel like I’m on a “high” constantly and have trouble shutting my brain off when it’s time to go to bed. Of course, it’s way better than the carb coma I used to be in, but sometimes I just want to take a nap and relax, but my body doesn’t.


Yup. This is a benefit carnivore gives us. We have big energy. So much sometimes you don’t know what to do with it. I could be sitting on the couch and think…omg my body is saying move. Like inside is tingling to get the heck up and move. We were meant to move LOL So that is what I do. I get moving :slight_smile:

and brain fog is clear. I am shocked how clearly I think now vs. before. brain fog is a real deal out there and once you get rid of it and hit that better clarity in thinking, it is wild. just wild actually LOL

I like to use up my energy. When I do that, get good movement/exercise/walking/kayaking or whatever, I do better with the brain slowing down and I truly get a great sleep. I think they pair up in a way…well they do for me at least :slight_smile:

(Heather) #155



Ya know that is what real life is about. Feeling your body and being in tune with it…….believe me we do win on Carnivore :slight_smile: We are living a very in tune life with healthy systems. It is cool :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

and it is hard for a carnivore to explain this to others. They don’t understand this feeling and it is super hard to put into words. Carbs rob the body so badly…our way of life gives us back our bodies.
I find it fascinating and just love this way of eating.


It is such a good observation. That the nutrition drives the need to be active. Dr. Phinney noted it in The Art and Science of Low Carb Living. It’s not exclusive to carnivore, but that is its conversational context here. I understand it to be due to low insulin and the induction of nutritional ketosis. So it spreads across a wide spectrum of ways of eating from vegetarian keto to carnivore.

It speaks toward some of the benefits of exercise threads on the forum, especially those where ‘motivation’ is discussed, or alluded to. Activity, like body fat loss is a side effect of nutritional ketosis for the lucky ones who recognise which way to set up the horse and cart. It works better with the nutritional ketosis up front. I do understand that activity, and these strange practices in some cultures of “work outs”, enhance ketosis and other metabolic benefits.But to engage in the physical activity and movement because it is instinctive, rather than will power driven just feels more right.

I totally agree with Fangs that responding to the need to be active, doing it, sorts out the difficulty of getting to sleep. I find building a house, watering and tending a food forest by carrying 20kg containers hither and tither, swimming in the ocean, doing housework, surfing etc leaves no time for these strange temples and shrines many refer to as gyms.

Lack of interest in exercise

I experienced this big time today. My freezer still has some regular keto stuff that hubby and I are trying to finish off to make room for more roasts, ribs and so on. So today for my afternoon meal I had some summer sausage. This is healthy, excellent summer sausage with no sugar/carbs or added nitrates, etc, but after I ate it it was like my body said, “Huh? That was nice but where’s the real meal?” Sigh. Lesson learned. Can I eat summer sausage? Yep. Did it taste good? Yep. Did it feel like it fed every cell in my body like a ribeye or a roast does? Nope.

It is amazing to me how easy it is becoming to know what my body wants for fuel. Food as fuel? Gee, now there’s a good idea.


Me too Renee. I notice that on food also and over the last weeks I realize some ‘meat’ foods don’t hold me. I ate like 8 link sausage the other day and it was like I ate nothing. Yea I was fine for an hr then I went looking for real food :slight_smile: I guess we all are gonna be feeling that as we change up food a bit cause we can.

I think I am going to look at certain things as ‘only side items’ to the beef I require. I like what you said you didn’t feel like every cell in your body was fed. I know that feeling. I think it is wonderful we can see things happening to us quickly. Make some corrections as we might need.

great post!

(Heather) #160

These are all really great posts! I was an exercise fiend when I was eating SAD. When I went keto, I reduced my exercising a lot, but even the little I did, I found it triggered hunger signals, even though I wasn’t really hungry. I’m a bit nervous about starting again because of those “fake” signals. Also, while swimming in the ocean sounds beautiful, I live in Wisconsin, where today, the high was 20 :snowman:.

What kind of exercise regimen do some of you follow on carnivore?


Umderstood. That is one thing I’ve noticed a lack of. Even on keto I would sometimes want to eat for no reason.
It’s pretty well established that cravings tend to disappear, too. Just make sure to do what Fangs said: eat. Do not stop until you are full. Once your hunger signals start functioning in carnivore your body will tell you when to eat and what it wants. It will also let you know when it is unhappy about a food choice.
I run several times a week, do pushups, I’m trying to get back into a habit of mace and kettlebells but haven’t yet.


@Fangs That’s a good idea to look at some of those foods as “side items.” The summer sausage would’ve been fine as a side item to a steak or roast.

@Redrobins Heather, I try to do HIIT on an indoor stationary bike 3 times a week. I also lift weights twice a week and I try to get a half hour walk in daily although when it gets icy outside like it was today it can be hard to find the motivation to get out there in the C O L D weather, brrrr.

(Daisy) #163

I’ve been doing some VERY light strength training and hula hooping for the last couple weeks. Will have to take a few days off after pulling my back yesterday.


I hike, bike, walk the dog, kayak, swim, and just in general do things. I never exercise like gym style. Won’t go there, I don’t like it :slight_smile: I just move as I need to move thru a day.

those ‘fake’ signals are weird but like bob said you just don’t find that on carnivore. It is like your system is so clean that it doesn’t send fake anything to you…when on carnivore and you exercise a lot more you will be more hungry. Eat. Your body is repairing muscles etc. It is a good cycle then, a normal one.

I found after a very long kayak trip I would come back. Sit, relax a bit and knew I was not hungry at all…then bam. A little bit later I was very hungry and ate well and the whole universe aligned again for me and all was calm LOL

What I love about this way of eating is the truth about it. You know when to eat and not to eat. You just know it all with clear involvement in it all.


So yesterday changed for me. Friend called and we went shopping.
Ate out for lunch with her. Ugh, I hate restaurants. But made the best of it.

so ordered:
8 piece naked chicken wings with dry rub. Rub was good, no sugar I could taste and that surprised me to the good.

only ate 3. Just wasn’t into them. Nibbled them slow while she finished and I brought 5 home. In the fridge. Couldn’t even pass them off on my kid LOL Might nibble on them or throw out. Whatever.

so 3 chicken wings

then a 1 lb. ribeye steak later that evening. I was hungry! After eating this I was not!

I have to eat up my chuck roast or lose it. I refuse to lose it. Today is chuck roast and a lot of it when wanted.

So far so great on this plan. Holding tight. Hope everyone is doing well also!

(Cheryl) #166

Dinner at the steakhouse on Monday night did not disappoint. Large rib steak which I couldn’t finish but had for lunch yesterday. Boy, it sure is confusing to wait staff when all you want is the mean and no sides. Sides came anyway and I gave my baked potato away as well as the green beans and red bell peppers. My dinner partners had quizzical looks on their faces. For two reasons: 1) No alcohol and 2) of course, no veggies and the size of the steak. Bwahaha!

There’s a little wrinkle in my plans to eat only when hungry. I’m on a course of antibiotics that requires I take one cap twice a day with food for the next week. So now I have to have breakfast which I usually don’t eat. Having it at lunch I worry about the side effects (being near a washroom) when I’m at work. So breakfast and dinner for a while. Oh well.

Everyone is doing so well. These posts are so very helpful. My favourite meat is ground beef. Weird I know but I do love it so. I seem to be falling out of favour with pork which happens with me from time to time (even before carni). I love pork but last night for instance, I had to force myself to eat it. The taste and texture didn’t appeal to me. What do you make of that?


Same with me on pork. I used to eat quite a bit, now it’s just not that appealing. I do still love crispy pork belly, though.


Great steakhouse report :slight_smile:
I give away sides also. hubby and kid fight for them.
hubby loves when you can pick your sides with your meat and he gets to pick extras from my plate. LOL

oh yea. Out of favor. I sure get that way. Normal.

I loved chicken thighs and ate a ton. Now I can’t go near one. Haven’t eaten one in about a year or so. Pork comes and goes with me and my fav on pork now is just good ribs mostly.

All normal. Meat will come in and out of favor a bit but most carnivores never say steaks and other beef is off the list. That seems to hold easier with everyone. Even if I get hamburger’d out, a steak is fine. If I get steak’d out, a chuck roast is fine so…

You keep rocking Cheryl.
Hope the antibiotics don’t mess with ya too much.

(Heather) #169

@Fangs @Ketodaisy @barefootbob @ReneeRC - Thanks for all of the input on the exercise front. This morning I woke up at 5:15 am, one hour prior to my alarm. My body said, “Get up and move!”, so I did :grinning:.

5 sets of 100 reps of kettlebell swings with 30 pounds. It’s a start. I think I’ll alternate weight training with aerobic (power walks on the dreadmill) for now. So far, hunger signals are in check.:+1:


NICE! Way to go. KB swings are awesome and a real butt-kicker.
Waking up in the morning has been so much easier for me on carnivore because my sleepiis so much better.


I don’t know who else would find this useful but I bought an alarm clock with a wake up light. It’s set to slowly start brightening 10 minutes before the alarm actually goes off. Sometimes the light itself wakes me. It seems less jarring than a normal alarm clock.