Carnivore ZC SurfTurf-tember! 30-day September Challenge. 2022

(Megan) #21

I think the thing I like most about eating carnivore is I eat when I’m hungry and I eat until I feel like I have had enough. That’s it. No calorie counting, no caring whether I’m eating 2 meals a day or 3, no forced intermittent fasting.

If I hit a long weight loss plateau and I still have a decent amount of weight to lose I’ll have to look at tweaking something, and that will very probably be my decades long habit of eating something before I go to sleep. On carni that’s some unsweetened greek yoghurt with a bit of heavy cream stirred through. I’m sure it’s a mind/comfort thing, and my body digesting a late dinner plus the yoghurt x hours later could well be interfering with my sleep quality.

But, for now, what I’m doing seems to be working as far as weight loss. Which is pretty crazy when I think about all the conventional advice out there regarding losing weight :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I don’t know why but I only enjoy 2 things so I mostly only eat these 2 things - rump steak and pork (usually shoulder roast deboned while raw, then sliced and fried slowly until it caramelizes. I start cooking the skin and thick layer of fat a good half an hour before adding the meat, and it ends up so soft and melt in my mouth. Delicious!)

I didn’t start off this way but it’s where I’ve ended up. Now if I eat any liver or sardines I’m eating them as medicine. I don’t enjoy them so I’m rarely eating them. As for eggs, meh. I don’t find them at all filling and no longer enjoy how they taste. Ditto bacon. Has this happened for anyone else? Is it just a phase and I’ll start enjoying other carni foods again? Even if just a little?

I’m trying to have my coffee black sometimes. I’m at home all day, usually sitting at my pc b/c activity/movement is a challenge physically, and Freud says I’m totally orally fixated! I’m always sipping on water and cups of coffee. The coffee adds up to a lot of heavy cream in a day. Black coffee is definitely an acquired taste /shudder

I think this bug, or whatever is going on physically, is passing. Temperature back to normal, abdo pain settling, just the tiredness and need to be in bed some of the day remains. I have enjoyed having next to no appetite for 3 days and maybe one day I’ll try a 2-3 day fast just to see how it feels. If I ever do it’ll be b/c it feels right and natural, not b/c I feel like I should.

Carnivore is so freeing for me. No measuring, no tracking, no nothing. Eat food from animals and give it time. I’m slowing getting free from the lure of and pressure from the promises of instant results this crazy world we live in flashes across our tv screens and internet websites etc. Even when I know it’s a lie it’s still very powerful.

I hope September is a great month for all of us!!


This was my lunch plan (with some more food waiting if I can do it OMAD sized). I barely touched the meat though I had other meat items in tiny amounts. And I had 6 sponge cakes and drank 2 eggs and finished my slice of cheese at dinner.

Dinner wasn’t a fun thing, I lowkey forced some protein (and as my most tempting items are fatty, fat in higher percentage as usual) into myself. Even with the lean pork at lunch, I reached 70% fat.

If I had ANY other options, I probably would have gone back to some other woe. I better regenerate from my meat aversion quickly. I couldn’t even look at my pork at dinner.
I don’t feel good now, food, ew but I needed it.

Good thing I have this rarely. But I hope it’s in the past already :frowning:
I never had this many joyless meals before carnivore. Probably the variety or something, I must make some mistake as carnivore offers a wide variety, actually. It’s so odd I like my pork - and the next time I dislike it. I am not usually like that, I slowly get bored so I can take action in time. Oh well, I trust things will be better tomorrow :slight_smile:

Who knows? I do have phases so there is a big chance for that.
I always eat eggs and meat but I got borderline bored of cheese at some point and I never was sooo much into it and I didn’t need it anymore… So I dropped it, well sometimes I had a little if I had no better idea but very rarely. Some time passed and when I ate it again, it was much better than ever! I doubt I ever will eat it very frequently or in bigger amounts but it’s nice here and there.
Long ago, in my vegetarian times I got more sensitive to the strong smell of eggs and dropped them for 1-2 years. I loved them to bits before and after. So people have some weird phases.
But sometimes we lose items for good.

(Linda ) #23

@Fangs actually looked it up and yeah just anticipation of food and watching food sets our hormones into action… it let’s your body know to prepare for the food so it starts releasing insulin…
I always knew that even looking at pictures you get brain stimulation and prob some hormone response as well…
Which is why calories in calories out and macros are never going to be accurate…here is my blood starting to spike up and that was 0 calories…0 fat carbs or protein…
But within 2 hours of eating blood was down to 96… before 2nd meal it dropped to 80…

Lunch was a repeat of breakfast.

@MeganNZ I often eat the same meals over and over but im trying to add fish more to add in omega 3
I found that I started carnivore with a wider variety but I found certain cuts were really
Enjoyable I didn’t do eggs for my first year but I’ve added them back knowing they are not my main food they are my side food…so seem to do well on them for now…
Bacon comes and goes I might not eat any for a month then bam I’ll eat it every day for a

@JJFiddle I was making pmsf bread into buns but as with bread I enjoy them with butter and its just another food I’ll over eat so I stopped making it… good for you though if they dont do that to you…
.im good with chaffels they don’t have that affect on me but then I don’t butter them.


Eggs aren’t even MY main food… I just can’t eat them galore. But they are great sides for meat… Well I usually eat my fried and roast meat (the dishes I actually eat in bigger amounts) alone but for a rich stew (that I almost never eat nowadays) some eggs are needed… And I have meatless dishes too.

I go for more eggs tomorrow, to avoid meat (unless I regenerate). It seems I am not ready for a meat heavy style - or I need a big variety, bringing changes before I feel the need…

Some time passed and my after-meal nauseous feeling passed, I am nicely satiated and okay now :slight_smile: But I strongly prefer fasting over eating now (well of course, I am satiated… but I will think twice or even thrice before I bring the troublesomeness of feeding on my head again. it’s good for my main goal, eating little… I had enough of eating way too much fat nearly all the time. and I don’t like it with protein either, it’s wasteful. if I need a lot, I eat a lot, that’s fine but sometimes I overdo it).

(Robin) #25

Megan, same here. No thoughts given to what, when, how on carni. And if I sense I’m overdoing it, it’s usually cuz I’m eating too late.
Otherwise…. Keep on keeping on.

(Judy Thompson) #26

Na - I’m not enjoying it, have never finished a piece of it except that slice with the sausage and cheese and mayo. I’ll make another loaf because I have more egg powder but then I may be done with it.

(Linda ) #27

This morning blood glucose was 87 followed by breakfast of 1 flanken rib 2 fried eggs 1 egg yolk coffee


:100: Rocking it out, learning alot about yourself! cool!!

@JJFiddle, intersting on your cloud breads. Yea I was a leave it in the end. Plus it IS work to make HA

WOW this was wonderful to read! Such a great statement!!
Big mind change approach on how we ‘live daily with nutrition’ and give it the time to heal us and change us…love it!!

yea me too back in the beginning. I was ALL in with eggs as a side to my meats. Loved it til the day I can barely eat another egg :wink: but I do still use them a tad when I really feel like a scramble or an emergency omelet is required in my travels.

-----------------I am doing surf and turf today.
ribeye steak and shrimp
first meal is eating leftover 3/4 lb. of burger. my mini meat loaves I made. I ate a bit and then didn’t want it so I just said I am frying up 2 pork chops and cooked the meat loaf but in the end only ate a tad of it…then I fried up some chicken breast I did want.
flippy food day.

here is my 2 pork chops AND YES I WALKED away and fried them up to almost shoe leather but I ate them anyway :heart::skull_and_crossbones: but darn they were still delish.


Tomorrow is bridal ‘brunch’ at fancy hotel for my niece A. Me and my daughter are going. YOU KNOW I am eating before I go…I have no idea what is in a ‘brunch’ LOL but I know I ain’t getting no big ol’ slab of ribs to chow on so I best eat well before this thing. :slight_smile:

Strong Sept for us all!

(Edith) #29

I read somewhere that eating an appetizer causes us to secrete a small amount of insulin so that our body leaves fat burning mode and goes into storage mode in preparation of the food to come.

Maybe the same thing is happening just in the process of preparing food for consumption?
I do wonder why that would cause your blood sugar to go up instead of down?


Yeah, breads are tricky. I am so glad I am happy with my near perfect eggy substitution :smiley:
Nothing is like normal bread, carbs are almost impossible to emulate - good thing I don’t desire normal bread, I just need something to put my ham spread on (I strongly prefer the salmon one, I will try to find some next time and not for a high price. If I want to pay a higher price to some meat stuff, that should be deer or mutton, not some spread with starch and whatnots… this ham stuff apparently have 0.4% carbs and 0.4% sugar, how they fit the starch into it I have no idea but I don’t feel it so it’s so minimal I don’t care. I need my rare extra stuff like that. too bad there are no purer things. it has various proper things to make it denser, why to add starch too? well it’s cheap and in many things so that’s why but…)!
And eggs are tasty. “Too eggy”, you never ever hear/see me saying that! :smiley: Though it’s not impossible. My pancakes require a little dairy, I don’t use omelets as pancakes, nope. My sponge cakes can pull off being 100% eggs because whipping makes everything different and they have an even more support role than pancakes where I fill them but the dough still has a huge role.

I don’t want to delete but I started to write about my non-carni breads here. I have borderline keto breads - and of course, normal ones. No one bakes anything like that I suppose but it’s our normal.

I still experiment with hybrid keto breads in my off times (hybrid means I use part of Alvaro’s bread dough in it as using old bread dough made every bread of mine way tastier. but otherwise it’s a normal keto bread with yeast. so it’s not super low-carb but quite low-carb and I always make a very tiny loaf and put it next to Alvaro’s into my mini oven)… it’s not perfect. I need to add more wheat flour to it to be perfect taste and texture wise but it’s still way tastier and nicer than Alvaros’ bread and I like that better since the last change (where I stopped putting 40g mixed stuff into it, things I bought on paleo/keto and now I don’t use and they taste not good but why to throw out when Alvaro’s bread can accept them in small amounts? :D). It turned out 20g is the limit if I want to make a fluffy enough bread. I make the bread, I must enjoy it. Alvaro isn’t choosy, he gladly eats bread with the consistency of a softer rock (is consistency is the right word here? it can’t be too far, I googled). IDK why I am like this but I have some standards regarding the food I make even if the target is perfectly happy with it either way. And it’s not pride as if he likes it, it’s good, it’s definitely the enjoyment I get from the making process. And I don’t like to bake too dense breads. Of course I don’t want those fluffs either where it seems the bread was made of air, fiber and too much leavening agent… But that probably only can be made industrially :slight_smile:

Bread and me, that’s an interesting topic. When I went low-carb, I immediately dropped grains and we had 1-2 gluten free years I think… I know we had them, just not the duration but it was long. Nothing happened so we took back gluten. Mostly Alvaro (and he kept avoiding it when it wasn’t for something that had to raise as a dough) as gluten and very low-carb may mix easily but I extremely rarely eat that way. Now even Alvaro is ready to eat meat when he runs out of his own dish made in the weekend… So even less motivation to play with mere gluten. My keto bread contains some as it’s important for the texture and raising. I rarely make keto bread and in my first several years of low-carb and in the beginning of my keto times I never did.
It’s very easy to live without bread if you ask me but after Alvaro added it back, I considered it a better idea to make something for me when I happen to feel the temptation… Eating his bread is somewhat disappointing (I definitely dislike most of the traditional breads even just taste and texture wise) but it doesn’t mean I won’t do it without my own bread sometimes… So I choose the smaller evil sometimes.
And then came my rich stews, very salty items, spreads… I needed a nice stuff for the bread role. And my egg sponge cakes came :slight_smile: They work well but the texture (somewhat deflated, somewhat crispy whipped egg thing) is very far from a breadish texture. But they are tasty and nutritious and satiating… And so fun with all the air inside!
Some more firmness would be nice here and there but whatever I tried, it wasn’t good enough.

Today we had a looong walk (no mushrooms anywhere. odd. Alvaro’s coworker found many, not here but close. and we had so much rain. but the forest was lovely, the weather nice! the river is still tiny) and I was already borderline hungry when we started… We ate right after we arrived home, I had scrambled eggs (3 eggs, I am not very much into them now - but meat is more problematic) and leftovers. My photo has little to do with my lunch, again. Well I ate it all except most of the fried pork (the pork chuck roast was okay) but I had 2 sponge cakes with ham spread and cheese too. And egg milk I forgot about and then I was satiated…

Guestimation says 855 kcal and 63g protein for lunch.

Oh and I had serious problems due to no joy from eating since days and circumstances too so I not surprisingly broke my no fruit rule. It was minimal, no harm done but I didn’t follow my own rules. I so wanted some resemblance of food joy yesterday that I even ate a super tiny chocolate. And put cocoa powder into my egg milk.

I still avoided coffee and peanuts, I really mean zero tolerance policy for September regarding those 2 even if I mess up everything else. (Well 1-2 coffees wouldn’t be sooo bad. But no peanuts, I still have an addiction but I don’t feel the pull on carnivore. Ish. With some fruit. It’s a very common woe in my life in summer, I wanted to call it “summer carnivore-ish” but it still sounded wrong. I put all my hope into November. No big fruit seasons in November… But I am good, I cut up many peaches and pears yesterday and didn’t taste them at all. I baked a big fruit cake for Alvaro and nothing! I picked up a plum after our walk hungrily and ate that…)

I am sure I will enjoy my rabbit stew. I NEED to enjoy my food. I miss that horribly when doesn’t happen for days.

I am not displeased at that level under these circumstances but I hope for a better next week.

Oh you do that too? :slight_smile: (Of course now I skip the coffee and add some other flavoring.)
I barely ever heard about someone else drinking their coffee (or cocoa) like that.
I still think coffee is best with cream but I won’t keep opened cream boxes/bags at home all the time, that balloons my calories and I so don’t need that. My coffees usually contain little but we need to consume it all quickly… Even with Alvaro’s help, 200ml cream is so much that I consume too much of it (it’s not hard to eat it… it’s just not good, I need to keep my days from getting too fatty).


key about the body truly. Azi made great facts on what goes down for our insulin just in response to eating…imagine what walking thru a food court at the mall does to us? think what we see around us to trigger ‘a droolin’ I want that effect’ on a stupid tv commercial can do to us. Pavlov’s dogs? hmmm.

I say Azi hit on a biggie and only our eating for nutrition and our truly healing the body and hormones IS the only defense against the onslaught of what food is today. Olden times the sight of prey compelled you, the sound of food prey compelled one, the hands on want that compelled us cause we were starving the body secretes more insulin to anticipate THE food is actually coming soon it hopes…ahhh, hm, so very intersting here to me.

body prepares to eat thru the 5 senses so…yea back to real nature and real body and real darn science triggers we can’t calculate against what IS real life eating in olden days to what we are faced with NOW

would one drink to excess if it wasn’t available all the time
would one smoke ciggs alot if not available all the time
would one not sugar out and be wrecked on food if not available in the form it has become?

now don’t get me wrong here LOL beer and mead and booze was made and smokin’ whatever plant one civilization smoked to get buzzed…I know it see it, but was it ‘an issue’ to epic proportions WAY back when when it wasn’t in our hands thru a constant of barrage of availability…ahhhhh this got me thinking :slight_smile:
just a chat of course a ramble that is opening my eyes a bit darn more.

(Karen) #32

A dancing weekend! Had a little evening last night dancing g with all our friends but oh dear the beds were like slabs of stone so very little sleep. The drive down was fraught with traffic jams, stop start for majority of the way. I was exhausted by 10pm and spetlnt the last hour and a half yawning and feeling quite wobbly. Didnt stop me enjoying it though. I yesterdays food was a packet of cooked chick thigh that I eventually opened when we arrived at 4pm. Then evening meal was about 6.45pm and have to say wasn’t the best. I had turkey which was so so and a beef steak which i scraped some lingering sauce off, it was so tough I couldn’t eat more than about a third if that plus a chipolata sausage which was difficult to cut. It didn’t help that the knife was quite blunt🙄 Then after dancing i had some pickled mussels and 1 hard boiled egg.


OMG I love it and super great pics. What a beauty location!

This WAS your ‘dance holiday’ time right? I see it now :slight_smile: This was that holiday you said you were doing…so cool…I get it LOL
oh gosh, traffic…don’t even get me started… ugh here and feel for you on that!

yes ZC food on the road. We eat SO well at home and HOW we wanna eat on that day but once ‘out and about’ we are at the mercy of ??? and alot of times that mercy food we get is SO less enjoyable or what we need or want at that moment. So live with that on my vacay too K :slight_smile:

How would you rate it all? Do again or kinda say, hmm, me has to think about this for the future? :wink: but ya got some dancing in so that is good!


Availability… It’s mixed. It surely makes many people (almost all in the right circumstances) eating (too) much of the stuff… But it can act in the other direction too. I tend to get desensitized if something is around me all the time. Temporal things have a way bigger charm. And when I face insane variety, it can go eather way. Sometimes I taste everything and sometimes I get turned off completely (especially if the things are available for a little while more). I had the latter in Christmas when Mom cooked and baked way too much while being super stressed and all I wanted just a little peace with the simplest food in moderation… (She was very fine normally, not very social even towards me but pretty great otherwise but she handled Christmas very unwell.)

Now when I have these carbier times in summer, I very quickly have enough and it’s tragic when compulsions don’t release me. Eventually I get free but I am not a good enough hedonist in summer. Maybe next year! I expect big changes in the next several months! :slight_smile:
But maybe I am not ready for really high level strictness… Oh well, carnivore-ish and the neighbour types (carnivore and adding a few other items), that’s great for me now I suppose.

I should stop thinking about food. Or maybe I should eat, 3 hour passed after my tiny lunch. Rabbit is still nowhere, Alvaro surely takes his sweet time but he announced that it’s for dinner and it’s only 4pm so no wonder. I have some other food. Like my egg milk (one egg and an extra yolk and flavorings).
But not much else if I don’t want my pork. I DEPEND on that rabbit!!! I tell him.

@Karen18: Wow, I like the photos, such a nice atmosphere…

(Linda ) #35

If Just thinking about food can raise your cortisol … what are ppl doing when constantly watching food shows, or even cooking foods for our family that we don’t eat if thats releasing insulin enough it has to have an affect on a1c over the long term if we are around food all day long

Its just interesting to me ans exciting to see. How quick my numbers are improving.


I am thinking about bakers, chefs and waiters… Their whole job is about food…

(Karen) #37

It was that busy driving down that we had to queue to get in the service station car park, before queueing to get 8n the toilets, before queueing for coffees it the McDonald’s stand! :astonished:

We are just here for the weekend back home tomorrow so hoping the traffic is not so bad. Just glad I don’t return yo work till Wednesday so a couple of days to recover lol. We’ have a dance tonight which ee’re looking forward to. The crowd we go with are great fun and it has been nice catching up and also making new friends … and chatting to people we don’t usually get chance to say more than a passing hello to :slightly_smiling_face:

But yes whereas I could have danced all night and then done some disco dancing afterwards I was really flagging by 10pm. Last night was my first evening dance since pre covid what with also having the stroke last October so I guessed I may struggle a bit. I am sure I will get back to where I was pre stroke … just takes time.

Also yesterday morning my BP was fairly low for me and may have dropped a bit by the evening oddly enough which is maybe why I was wobbly cos this morning it was lower still at 103/54 ! Lowest its ever been so I will need to keep track on that as pharmacist may want to adjust my meds again. I must admit its a little confusing cos I thought it would be up with the pre thought of the long journey, albeit I felt very calm about it, and not eating till so late in the day and being tired so it was definitely surprising to see it so low.

I think I will have to choose carefully where we dance in the evenings and what driving I will have to do to get home late at night. Maybe start with as local as possible and then start thinking about dances further away. We will see. Just about to get ready for this evenings meal and dancing .

(Edith) #38

Ah, I did not think of it actually causing a cortisol response. I wonder if that’s because when we saw prey, aka our next meal, we had to secrete cortisol for the energy to hunt it down and then prepare it?


I wonder about my photo as it’s stew and quite apparently not carnivore… I will put it into the food pic thread :slight_smile:

After my tiny snack, I could wait until the rabbit got ready… And THEN Alvaro’s carby side dish cooked too…
The rabbit, as always, was quite good! Except we need to lower the onion content (I looked at recipes, even other people use less… in beef and pork stew we tend to use a fragment of the “normal”). It made it way too sweet, it already bothers me a bit (still good stew but I couldn’t overlook it) and Alvaro is willing to diminish the amount.
The cats enjoyed the little bones with some tiny meat on them and expressed their willingness to repeat this experience very soon, I have read it clearly from the pattern they arranged the 5 bigger bones, their leftovers on our doormat soon afterwards they received them.

It wasn’t enough and I still couldn’t finish the not even big amount of fried pork I started to eat yesterday so I had another egg milk and a little pork belly and took a walk. I am still hungry but tracked and saw my protein is more than enough, calories too so it’s surely will pass. If not, I can always eat the pork… (I am cruel to myself sometimes.)

I am looking forward to the rabbit tomorrow too!


I think you may mean insulin, not cortisol, given the study posted above?