Carnivore fasting

(Nick Eagle) #1

This is the first fast since I started following a carnivore way of eating. I have been IF 23/1 with OMAD since the start and am currently 26 hours in. Im not sure how long I’m going, I just figured I would go until my body told me to stop. I have done numerous 24-72 hour fast with my longest being 9 days with only water and salted bone broth on occasion (that was keto).I am really excited and am feeling great. I would love to hear other peoples carnivore fasting stories or just fasting stories in general.


I follow a lazy keto/carnivore light woe with a daily fast to feed ratio of approximate 20/4. It really depends upon the day. My longest fast has only been 48 hours. I just haven’t fasted longer than that because, um…because.

(Nick Eagle) #3

Valid reason lol. I did my 9 days just to see bow long I could go. It was a wonderful test of will power and I felt AMAZING (almost like a drug). I broke that fast with a 32oz ribeye and 8 large seared scallops… wad probably overdoing it but it was terrific!


I guess the real reason is that I have been consistently successful with what I’ve been doing.

Looks like I’m eating ribeye tonight. That sounds amazing.

(Nick Eagle) #5

If it aint broke dont fix it!