Carnivore Diet for Teens

(Ryan Roman) #1

I am 18 and interested in getting into the carnivore diet I think, I have been doing keto for a little more than a year now. I love all meats and usually eat a lot of chicken and steak anyways, but I eat broccoli and other vegetables as well.
Does anyone know if it is bad for a teen to do this? I am 5’ 10", 150 lbs, so not really looking to lose weight, just kind of want to try this way of eating out.
Also, for people that do this w.o.e., how many meals do you eat per day?

(CharleyD) #2

My opinion is it’s bad if you have teeth and DON’T do it. Go get 'em, tiger! :smile_cat:


A carnivore diet is good for you. Plant foods are unnecessary for good health. Eat meat only when you are hungry and drink water only when thirsty. I eat between 1 and 3 meals a day depending on my hunger and how fatty the meat is. My total intake averages between 1 and 1.5 pounds of meat a day, but I’m 5’2" and 120 lbs. You’ll likely eat much more than that, especially if you are active.


And, as with any way of eating, you may need salt. If you do, as add much as your taste dictates.

(Chris) #5

Worth it, now’s the best time.

(Ryan Roman) #6

How do y’all do it to where it doesn’t cost a ton? I feel like it would cost like 15-30 per meal which is kinda crazy, especially for me, an 18 year old.

(Chris) #7

You don’t have to go nuts with ribeye. Buy what’s on sale, sirloin, top round, chuck, ground beef. You don’t have to go grass fed even.

(Sophie) #8

Buy the cheaper fattier cuts, like chicken thighs with the skin on. And look for the big family packs because those are more bang for the buck. Cook half and freeze the rest.

(Ken) #9

The only real concern occurs if your consumption of lean meat to fat gets too high. If that happens you’ll experience energy balance and gastrointestinal issues. Since this has happened to me several times, (I love meat!) I recommend you use the paleo macro of 60/35% fat to protein. Or, two thirds meat to one third fat, by weight, after cooking.

It helps if you have a meat wholesaler near you. The other day I bought a 60lb. box of what is called 80/20 pork trim at $1.19 a pound. Less than $72. Not bad for around two months of fatty meat.

(Charndra Pile) #10

My 12 year old son did ‘Meating in May’ this year. He loved it, looked awesome at the end of the month. He’s planning on Carnivore January too. It works faster for the kids.

(Dan Dan) #11

Protein to Fat Ratio on a Keto and Intermittent Fasting

“May the Force (fat adaption) be with you”

IF/EF Keto WOE is Self-Discovery :wink:

Good luck and much success in your journey in IF/EF Keto WOE :grin: