Carbs in Beer

(Mike W.) #36

Try rye whiskey. Michters and Bulleit are both really good.

(TJ Borden) #37

Oohhh, I’d love to have a bottle share with you and change your mind. I have a few ladder collections, my favorite being Velvet Merkin from Firestone Walker. I started the collection in 2014 and buy as many as I can get my hands on every year.

(TJ Borden) #38

I will do that

(Mike W.) #39

Sazerac is my favorite but can be hard to find. So smooth though.

(Mike W.) #40

I doubt that. I don’t use Untappd but I bet I could log 1000 check ins. I just don’t like the super sweet stuff anymore. I did however open a '14 Huna from Cigar City a few weeks back. Holy crap on a cracker is that beer good!

(TJ Borden) #41

I’m jealous. We get hardly any cigar city out here in the Pacific Northwest.

I suppose to a non-beer person, my untapped profile would look like I have a problem:

My tastes have definitely changed. I still love a good stout, but a lot of IPAs have started pulling back on the bitterness and they’re too sweet for me.

(Mike W.) #42

It was from a friend who lives in FL. We JUST started getting CC distroed here, but no big bottles just Jai Alai and some others. I live in “Beer City USA” and Founders backyard :wink:

(TJ Borden) #43

I love founders. We get a fair amount, but one of my prized bottles is a 2017 CBS, which never seems to make it this far west. Plenty of KBS if you know where to look.

(Ray Reimann) #44

I hear ya TJ, it can be a bit difficult. I found Makers Mark 46 to be a very smooth ans easy sippin Bourbon.

(Mike W.) #45

I can name 4 or 5 different places with CBS on tap right now. It’s crazy. Also KBS is basically always on draft now. Never thought I would see that day.

(Mike W.) #46

Couple years ago, I’d be super excited having you send me fresh hops and I can send you whatever I can get, but that ship has sailed. I’m really over all of it. It was a season of life


Quick update.

I went out with the work colleagues and had a few drinks!

I took your advice and limited it to Jack Daniels (9 doubles) and Southern Comfort (1 double), both with soda water. I also had some Indian food, all meat no sauces or salad. I’m happy with the amount of food being within my daily allowance for my macros (I was VERY careful).

I didn’t feel particularly drunk, a bit merry maybe. But did have the shakes the next day (a bit like low blood sugar levels).

I checked my sugar and keto levels before and after going out, just for interest. Before - BS 4.1, Ketones 3.7. Immediately after - BS 4.4, Ketones 0.5.

Interestingly, after fasting till 13:30 today (the next day) my levels were - BS 3.2. ketones 3.1.

Not really sure what any of that means but, it looks like it all but kicked me out of ketosis but, I was back in after approx. 13hrs of fasting.

Thanks for your help guys.

I really want to get drunk
(Ray Reimann) #48

Nice going Mememe, I do recall in one of the Podcasts, Carl said that the bourbon type of alcohol stalls your ketosis, but it doesn’t seem to kick you out of it. your test would support that. nice to see.

(Mike W.) #49

Holy Fuck! I would be dead after 9 doubles…


How many drinks do you have when you don’t “limit” it? :joy:

(TJ Borden) #51

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: @mememe, we should hang out.


I’ve a feeling we’d enjoy it!!!


:grin: 1 or 2 :grin:

(Jennie Greene) #54

@mememe @Baytowvin let’s have a party


Sounds like a party to me!!!