Carbon dioxide in carbonated beverages increases food consumption in male rats


(Martin Liversage) #1

TL;DR Drinking carbonated drinks makes you hungry. Or at least make rats hungry.

A recent study to be published in Obesity Research & Clinical Practice indicates that carbon dioxide gas in soft drinks induces weight gain via ghrelin release and stimulation of the hunger response in male mammals. Even though the study did include both sugar sweetened and artificially sweetened drinks it seems that it is the bubbles in the drink that stimulates the ghrelin release and thus the hunger response. The study was mainly done on male rats. However, a parallel study of male humans was also performed.

Carbon dioxide in carbonated beverages induces ghrelin release and increased food consumption in male rats: Implications on the onset of obesity.

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(ianrobo) #2

cheers, interesting study.

I note the intro

A substantial deviation in the balance between energy intake and expenditure eventually leads to weight prob- lems and one major example is obesity

Of course sticking to CICO but part of me is not surprised, it is the one thin I can not kick, I think the ‘bubbles’ does something to you and it is deliberate and drink manufacturers know it …

I want the science to show what they do to you (not the sweetners !!)

(Mike Glasbrener) #3

Interesting. My n=1 experiment hasn’t born that out yet. I drink a 32oz lemon flavored “fizzy” water 3-4 days a week at lunch. Actually it last me till an hour or so after lunch. Most days between that and filtered tap water I consume at least 120ozs. I’m still dropping weight like a “brick”.

(Adam L) #4

Interesting, recently heard Megan Ramos (Dr Jason Fung’s off-sider) say on Jimmy Moores fasting talk podcast that she uses and recommends fizzy water during fast to avoid or dampen down hunger pains. My next 3 day fast starts in 12 hours so I’ll try it and see.

(MakinBacon) #5

Carbonated beverages make me feel full, not hungry. I use them on fasting days and it helps.

(Michael Wallace Ellwood) #6

Unflavoured carbonated water seems to have no impact on my appetite in either direction.