Can't lower insulin


@Mina_Janssen To clarify: ‘damn phenomenon’ = ‘dawn phenomenon’. Apt description, I might add! :heart_eyes:


Hah! I swear the last couple of days my grammar checker is letting me do that to amuse itself.

(Bob M) #32

Here’s a tester:

I wonder if eating OMAD is worse than 2MAD when it comes to fasting, morning insulin?

(Mina Janssen) #33

Does that really work?

(Bob M) #34

It supposedly does. I’m not sure why they’ve kept it related to Kraft testing, though.

I was going to be a beta tester of it, but couldn’t swing the money.

Right now, it’s too expensive for just insulin testing.

(Kirk Wolak) #35

I wrote this a long time ago to help others.

I think it is worth the read. And 25g of crabs (total carbs) is 5x what I can tolerate and be in ketosis without doing Alternate Day Fasting!

(Mina Janssen) #36

You said I should not worry about insulin. But I worry because my fasting glucose went up and my insulin is still high. That combination makes me insulin resistance. Worse then before I had perfect glucose readings in the morning 4.8 . I worry I will become diabetic. This dwan phenomen / glucose adaptive sparing would be temporary but I still got it. Makes me think if keto low carb is making me sicker/diabetic.


alot of people ‘wonder and worry’



‘2 Fit Docs’ address concerns on it all :slight_smile:

(Mina Janssen) #39

Yes I know but it is what is happening. My insulin is in 16,18,20. Fasting glucose higher no weightloss. I did try much things over the years. I am using 2000 metformin a day just to see if I can reduce insulin and weight. After I upped metformin to 2000 my insulin came back at 20 fasting glucose 5.9 and no weightloss. Carbs 25 netto.

So you tell me what is wrong with me. My doctor was very surprised My insulin did not come down with metformin.


went back and read your first post @Mina_Janssen

up your fat intake way higher.

your 2 meals per day, flip to big high fat intake. recheck everything but give it at least 2 wks or so.

your 2 a day and 25 carbs is cool but it is all about what you are eating in your day. the balances.

so are ya ‘netting carbs’ or total carbs?

total carbs to 20 only and up that darn fat intake massively. bet ya see changs for sure but give it time :slight_smile:

that is my advice on how to ‘change a bit to experiment a bit’ to find you in all this.

(Mina Janssen) #42

Ok I will do that👍

(Mina Janssen) #43

How High the fat intake? It is net carbs what I do.


ok go total carbs. forget that net stuff. one step forward for a change.

next is what do you eat in a day? how are ya eating? once we know that we can tell ya how to upgrade into way more ‘good fats’ vs. just loading on fats thru some stupid crap like ‘fat bombs’ and more :slight_smile: your food can do it all for ya…

key being some small changes can bring big results but ya gotta go there and try and ‘find you’ on those changes ya make. So go total carbs only on count, then increase fat but how ya eat shows us how to do just that on real food.

edited to say…where you at? keto for years and at goal? or just that 10-20 lbs shy of where ya wanna be? or all those years you are 50 lbs still from where ya wanna be or? What your reason for needing this weightloss more after yrs of keto can show some insight onto where you ‘need to go’ to enact changes too. just sayin’

(Mina Janssen) #45

I want to loose 17 kilo. Because I want my body back and I don’t want to become diabetic so 2 reasons I want to loose the weight. The weight is because pregnancy and I had gestionel diabetis. I got stuck after I did had my children and hardly lost weight.

What I eat in a day? Afternoon 12.00: like eggs and advocado. Fish and vegetables. Or I make keto crackers with cheese and yoghurt and berries. Chicken with salade. Keto pancakes. Or grilled chicken.

Evening 18.00: some meat or fish with vegetables. Cauliflower rise with chicken. Broccoli rise with meat. Spaghetti from zucchini and tomatoes sauce. Something like that I eat.

And it is 25 total carbs I did say it wrong. I eat 2 x a day. If I get hungry I will eat a dessert after dinner in the evening. Yoghurt some nut berries.

Protein like 80 gram fat 90 gram calories 1450.


I’m going to ask the same question @lfod14 asked a week ago: are you tracking everything you eat? From the descriptions of what you’re eating you’ve provided thus far, my guess is you’re eating too many carbs, too little fat and not enough overall. The Minnesota Starvation Study fed participants 1600 calories per day, for example.

I suggest you drop all fruit and vegetables and other non fat/protein foods. Your list of what you’re eating includes lots of stuff that probably contains manycarbs you’re not counting. My bet is they’re adding up to lots more than you realize. As already mentioned by @Fangs you need to eat more fat - and my suggestion is more sat fat.

(Mina Janssen) #47

Yes I track all food with fitness pall I dont eat more then 25 carbs.

No I am sure 100% I dont eat more carbs. The food I mention is mostly whole foods. I do not eat much fat because mostly I got the suggestion that it best to keep fat low for loosing kilo. So I keep it at 60% or 65%. I can go up to what? 75%?

Same with calories I did try before more calories but I gain weight. So that is not something I will try. I can try the fat and lower the protein?

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #48

A few thoughts here. First is not to fear fat. The bad effects of a high-carb diet result from the excessive blood glucose that results—and from the excessive insulin response that results from that. Fat has almost no effect on insulin, except to stimulate enough to allow us to survive (insulin is required for life; it’s only a problem when our insulin level rises too high and stays high for too long).

Secondly, all of this stuff is calculated as a percentage of calories eaten, and fat contains twice as many calories (9 cal/g) as protein and carbohydrate (4 cal/g). So 160 grams of fat will give you as many calories of energy as 360 grams of carbohydrate. So even if the percentage of calories works out the same, the quantity involved is less than half. So it’s a lot easier to eat enough fat than we often think.

Third, the idea of having to cut calories in order to lose weight is left over from the days when calories were all that scientists knew about. Now that we know how differently the body reacts to different foods, we know that the body’s hormonal response to our diet is far more important than how much food we eat. A high-carb diet puts us in fat-storage mode and leaves us constantly hungry, a low-carb, high-fat ketogenic diet puts us in fat-burning mode and allows our appetite hormones to work properly again. So eating to satisfy hunger works better on a ketogenic diet than deliberately trying to cut calories. If you don’t eat enough, your body will want to hang on to its fat store. Eat enough to satisfy your hunger, and your body will willingly start to shed excess fat.

Lastly, “weight” is not what we want to lose; what we want to lose is excess fat. You might actually find yourself putting on lean mass, and I put it to you that that is a GOOD THING. As my friend @Aqua_chonk likes to ask, “Would you rather lose 30 pounds and still look just as fat, or stay the same weight and look as though you’ve lost 30 pounds?” Think it over, then decide. If your clothes are getting looser, then no matter what your scale is telling you, you are doing keto right.

(Allie) #49

How did you increase though? Did you suddenly start eating a few hundred calories more a day, or did you increase by 50 or 100 calories each week? It has to be a gradual increase to allow your body to step up metabolism and get more efficient without gaining fat. Consistently low calories is not beneficial to longterm fat loss.

You also need to know what weight you were gaining, was it actually fat, or was it muscle because your body started repairing itself due to suddenly having the fuel it needs after way too long of being deprived?

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #50

Not always. I am an example of someone who became insulin resistant due to medications and even with a ketogenic diet required type 2 medications to lower my A1c.

There’s no need to call someone a liar. If you don’t believe them, don’t respond.

(Omar) #51

I read once that there are people who their production of insulin is due to anomality in the brain due to accident causing some head shock or something.

This is because there have been incidents when people have normal weight but after head injury, suddenly their weight increase .

the treatment for such cases is with drugs like diazoxide (Proglycem), octreotide, glucagon and nifedipine.

Other than that I have no clue about this case.