Cancer and Lyme disease both rely on glycolysis (sugar burning)

(Bob M) #1

That’s what this says, anyway, although it’s in vitro (not in a human):

I wonder if longer term fasting (if possible) and/or exogenous ketones would help?

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #2

Lack of carbohydrate intake would clearly be helpful, whether while fasting or while eating a no- or very low-carb diet, to minimise the available glucose for the bacterium. I don’t know whether any of the ketone bodies is known to inhibit lactate dehydrogenase, however.

(Bob M) #3

And people are still affected by Lyme even when keto. So, it’s not a “solution” by any stretch. And the paper uses this really only as an aside, to get to where they think this functionality could be used.

But when it comes to Lyme, I’ll all for getting anything to help.


You are finding and presenting some good stuff Bob. Is anyone talking about Lyme disease at the San Diego metabolic health symposium in mid August? (Formerly Low Carb USA)

I was listening to the Low Carb MD podcast and the conference was definitely looking at the (adjunct?) role of the ketogenic diet in some forms of cancer treatment.