Can I get a form check?

(Chris) #1

High bar squats. I’ve noticed anterior pelvic tilt, forward shoulders, and torso leaning forward an awful lot. Anything you can see?


(shane ) #3

Looks fine to me, but that weight was to light to get a real for check on. Once you get heavier your weaknesses in your squat will come out.

Throw another plate on there and post again.

Edit, I see there are more vids.

They still don’t look bad to me. Looks good.

(Chris) #4

I’m definitely doing a squat-morning in those 225 sets. Someone else said I was losing tightness due to not keeping the ribs down, I felt a little better today using those cues but it’s going to take more practice. Thanks for looking!

(shane ) #5

If you say so, I didn’t watch all videos as it seems you have added some more.

I would try to bring your hands in as tight as possible and concentrate on keeping upper back tightness. This should cure the squat morning.

Reps, reps, reps. The more you do the better you get at them. Once you get this fixed and the weight moves up, there will be another weakness that presents itself. That’s the name of the game. I wouldn’t kill myself over analyzing every part of your squat. Nothing in that video looked unsafe to me.

(Kerri Day) #6

You’re moving pretty fast with this weight. What’s your RPE on these? If I’m less than 7 I notice I move too fast on the downward movement and then bounce at the bottom. Maybe try a more controlled/slow downward movement to avoid that bounce at the bottom. Everything else looks good! Keep it up!

(Bulldog Fitness) #7

Have you seen the Athlean X guy on YouTube… He is my go-to on any form issues.