Bulletproof Coffee or not?

(eat more) #21

i still call it BPC even tho everything is kirkland signature/costco sourced…
bpc is just easier to type and my phone (and friends) know it LOL

(What The Fast?!) #22

same. I also call it my lifeblood.

(eat more) #23

then there is also “unicorn fuel”…i’m not calling it that…let alone typing it…more than just now LOL

(outlawpirate) #24

Dunkin is my favorite tasting coffee!

(outlawpirate) #25

Fellow Ketonians, I’m wondering if any of you with mold allergies has found a marked health improvement after switching to Bulletproof brand coffee? I’m doing an n = 1 experiment this month with a $20 12-oz bag of REAL Bulletproof brand coffee that touts that, “Bulletproof beans are not only rigorously tested for mold, biogenic amines and other contaminants.” Of the 4 pages of things I am allergic to (per the allergen test I took 10 years ago), MOLD ranks highest. After getting halfway through reading The Bulletproof Diet book, I decided to buy the coffee and see if my allergies improve. Before buying the coffee, I recently had to be treated with 3 rounds of antibiotics (the last round being Levaquin) and 2 rounds of prednisone (which made be gain 7 lbs). Although this coffee is expensive compared to my favorite Dunkin brand beans, if this helps my allergies without drugs, it will be worth every penny. I’m wondering if those of you with mold allergies have tried this experiment on yourselves and have achieved a positive outcome. Please share… and I’ll keep you guys posted on my own n = 1 experiment.

(danjo171) #26

Something you might want to check out is Joe Rogan’s comments on “Bulletproof Coffee” http://www.tightlightning.com/2014/07/25/joe-rogan-says-bulletproof-coffee-is-bullshit/

(outlawpirate) #27

I’m watching this right now. Thank you.

(outlawpirate) #28

Well… I’m watching this right now. Hmmm…
“Joe Rogan (who originally was a fan of Dave Asprey) exposed the mold thing as a scam a while back - vid here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwY4H3cNTH03