Breakfast ideas

(Amy Ramadan) #1

Okay, so I have been following a keto diet for a little over 2 weeks now. I gotta say it’s going really well, and surprisingly I haven’t really been tempted to cheat as of yet. Just wondered if anyone had any good low carb breakfast ideas, as I am starting to get sick of eggs!! Any help would be appreciated!!!

(A ham loving ham! - VA6KD) #2


…but in all seriousness, I also enjoy pork rind pancakes with whipped cream, berries and dusted with Splenda.
Or avocado on cheese whisps.


Who says you have to eat traditional breakfast food for breakfast? Eat leftovers from the night before? Or as suggested :bacon:

(Amy Ramadan) #4

Thanks for the suggestion but I don’t eat pork so the pork ribs pancakes would be a no go for me!!! I do enjoy beef bacon, just not sure I could do an all bacon breakfast, and my kids would probably think I lost it lol!!!

(Amy Ramadan) #5

Yea I guess you have a point!!! I have been looking for recipes for alternatives to eggs, and have found a few that I want to try, need to go get some almond flour first!! Some sounded down right nasty though!! And while leftovers would be fine by me, not sure my kids would go for it!! They started keto when I did and want to do everything I can to encourage them to stick with it!!


Makes sense :slight_smile: I made cream cheese pancakes once that were pretty good.



You can eat anything for breakfast!

Having said that, there are a number of porridges or low carb oatmeal (i.e. “faux-meal”) you can make:


I enjoyed the Hi-Lo Maple Pecan dry cereal, but still 7 net carbs per serving.


This cereal is really good too. Not sure of the carb count though

(A ham loving ham! - VA6KD) #10

Berries with some crushed macadamia nuts in zero sugar Greek yogurt (mixed with heavy cream if you like too)?

(Amy Ramadan) #11

Will definitely check it out!! Thanks!!

(Amy Ramadan) #12

Will have to try it!! Thanks for the suggestion

(Amy Ramadan) #13

Now that sounds really good!! Adding macadamia nuts to my grocery list!! Will have to wait til this storm passed to try it out though!!

(A ham loving ham! - VA6KD) #14

My local grocer has started carrying a “full fat” (14% I think) zero sugar Greek yogurt…it’s almost as thick as whipped philly cheese and really low carb. It’s heaven sent!

(Amy Ramadan) #15

Do you happen to know what the brand is?

(TJ Borden) #16

I don’t understand the premise. Maybe you need to branch out in egg preparation:

  • fried
  • over easy
  • over medium
  • over hard
  • scrambled
  • omelet
  • hard boiled
  • soft boiled
  • poached
  • Florentine
  • Benedict (with Foxhill Kitchens low carb bunzs)

That doesn’t even take into account the variations of everything that can be added to them. :joy::joy::joy:


(Amy Ramadan) #17

I have done different things with eggs, as you suggest but I can see it being a problem moving on as I need variety in my food. Just trying to plan ahead is all!!

(Running from stupidity) #18

Thanks for saving me typing that out :slight_smile:

(A ham loving ham! - VA6KD) #19

I’m in Canada (so not sure if you get these brands) and there are two brands doing it now.

Olymic Krema: (I usually buy these big tubs)
And Liberté:

The Krema is 11% M.F. and I thought it was 14…sorry, my mistake.

(Amy Ramadan) #20

Oh ok!! No, don’t think we can get those here in the states, have never heard of them at any rate!! I love Canada though, I was born and raised just outside Buffalo, Ny, and we used to jump the border all the time when I was younger!! :sunglasses: