Bone broth benefits. Where is the research?

(DougH) #21

I love bone broth, I like the Epic jarred broth, and I love when I have time to make my own with good grass fed bones.

I don’t think you can deny the nutrient profile.
I don’t think you can deny that it is easy on the gut.
That being said I think the claims of benefits are exaggerated.

Eating fat doesn’t make you fat. Eating a carrot doesn’t make you orange (ok maybe if you ate enough of them :rofl::rofl:). The cholesterol in our food doesn’t go directly into our blood. So why would consuming collagen in our bone broth impact collagen in our bodies in the manner that is often claimed.

At the end of the day it is just nutrients, trace minerals, protein and aminos.

I view it only as a good way to break my extended or intermittent fast with something tasty and easy to drink.

(Omar) #22

and if you eat animal tongue, your tongue does not become longer

(DougH) #23

My dear spouse can sadly attest to this. :laughing::innocent:


Couldn’t agree more with your position re Ansel Keys, I view the era like the beginning of the end of people eating a healthy diet. Not surprisingly, all the current problems like allergy, inflammation, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer may all stem from an unnatural diet that seems to have begun about that time. Of course physical activity (or lack of) plays an important part as well.

Not to mention the deceit from those in power to feather their own nests to the determent of the modern western world.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #25

There I was reading the article and right in the middle is my opportunity to get my Plant Based Nutrition Certificate and to “live a whole life” and then I just can’t trust the article anymore.


Some more positives:

“As a 2017 study in the journal Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care notes, glutamine supplementation helps heal the intestinal barrier in human and animal models.”



These relate to collagen supplementation rather than bone broth but are interesting

(James Gough) #28

@Iced I like your response and have to agree. I’m fed up with the lies told by biased research companies that is then peddled by bought media agencies.

I think I need to steer away from the research, I don’t know if you saw my other post and article - The truth about Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, Statins and YOU! : Study Links Statins to 300+ Adverse Health Effects - and I guess nobody would want to pay to research bone broth as it can’t be patented.

However, I did see a lot of research on cancer websites stating that bone broth, cartilage and a product called citatrix or something helped reduce and stop cancer. However, when the treatment stopped, the cancer often returned, but then that just said to me that the treatment shouldn’t stop, which once again is what the tradition of bone broth recommends as well.

I’m going to keep with it and see if I notice a difference.

Thanks everyone else for the replies too :slight_smile: