Bloodwork & other results (6 months ZC update)


Hello fellow meat-enjoyers,

I’ve been doing ZC for 6 months. At the beginning of the month, I got a comprehensive health exam done overseas. The tests included blood, urine, body composition, x-ray, ultrasounds, bone density scan, mammogram (god, was it unpleasant), etc. Please note that the exam was done fasted as I got a gastroscopy done as well (Turns out, I have chronic gastritis. Having IBS symptoms was the biggest reason I started ZC and it gives me peace to finally know why I suffered).

I decided to share some test results with y’all in hopes that it will be helpful or interesting! I would also appreciate your opinions about my numbers.

Couple of questions!

  • How are my CPK & cholesterol numbers? I don’t believe in the lipid hypothesis so I’m not alarmed but still I’d like to know if I’m doing okay.
  • What’s going on with my MPV and PDW? I don’t have any injury and I didn’t do anything strenuous the night before the exam.
  • Does anyone know how to read a bone density chart? It says I’m in the normal range but I’m guessing I’m on the thicc end.
  • The report noted that while my vitamin D is in the normal range, it’s in the lower end so I should drink milk (nope), eat fish, or take supplements. Fish never fills me up like beef and skeptical of supplements. What do y’all think?

I finally got to weigh myself at the exam (I avoided the scale since I started ZC so as not to discourage myself). I gained about 20 lbs since starting ZC (starting weight around 106 lbs) and I think mostly from gaining fat. Body comp scan shows that my body fat percentage is at 28.3% (starting bf around 17%). I’m still in the normal weight range for my height but I’m frustrated. When will my body start leaning out?

Overall, the report says I’m in great health, and this is after taking points away for having high cholesterol (:roll_eyes:). I’m glad!

Something I thought was funny: My urine test tested very positive for ketones (as it should be) and the report put the result in red because it’s considered abnormal LOL

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #2

Your cholesterol numbers are fine. The upper limit for LDL used to be 150 as recently as five years ago, but the statin manufacturers are now recommending a limit of 130, which is why your LDL was flagged. Total cholesterol is irrelevant, and 210 is barely over the limit, anyway. The number to look for is the ratio of triglyceride to HDL, which is 74/58 = 1.27 which even people who believe LDL causes heart disease have to admit indicates minimal cardiovascular risk.

As for CPK, it is usually tested after a heart attack, to assess the level of damage to the heart muscle. I’m surprised it was included in routine blood work. Healthline mentions the following, which can affect the reading:

Some substances can cause elevated CPK, including:

  • drugs that lower cholesterol
  • steroids
  • anesthetics
  • amphotericin B, which is an antifungal medication
  • alcohol
  • cocaine

Other factors may cause elevated test results, including:

  • vigorous exercise
  • recent surgery
  • intramuscular injections, such as vaccines
  • cardiac catheterization, which is when a catheter is inserted into a vein in your arm, groin, or neck and threaded to your heart

Not being a doctor, I can only guess, but if your other markers of inflammation are normal, there is probably nothing to worry about. You should confirm that with your doctor, however.

Your fasting blood sugar and HbA1C are fine. As for MPV, your platelet count is fine, so ask your doctor if he or she is concerned. The low PDW value indicates that your platelets do not vary much in size. Again, ask your doctor if this is a concern.

Bone density is something someone else will have to help you with. I’m not sure what “thicc” means, in any case. If it’s a typo for “thick” then bone diameter is, I believe, genetic and does not vary. As far as I know, t’s density that fluctuates, and if you’ve been eating a decent amount of protein, your density should be in the healthy range.

The suggestion to drink milk is because, in the U.S., milk sold commercially is required to be fortified with Vitamin D. You can increase your sun exposure, if you’re concerned. And here’s a thought: cholesterol is what the body makes Vitamin D out of, so having plenty of cholesterol available is a good thing. :grin:

The normal body fat percentage for women of childbearing age is 21-23%, as I recall. At 17% before starting carnivore, you were unhealthily thin. The percentage will probably drop a bit over time. Give this way of eating another six months before you start to worry. If you have too little fat, you are likely to experience problems with irregular menses and infertility. The body needs a healthy amount of fat in order to make a healthy baby.

(Joey) #3

@bluerare Thank you for sharing such extensive info. I must say there are several tests about which I know nothing - so I’ll simply react to those with which I have done some research…

Your bloodwork suggests that overall you’re doing great. I do believe that your Vitamin D level needs to be increased. A simple daily Vit D (5000IU) supplement (tiny little pill) would bring it up easily.

Frankly, I see nothing that would be of serious concern to me if it were my test results.

Importantly, how are your digestive symptoms behaving since going zero carb?


Hi Paul!

Thank you so much for the detailed feedback!

I’m glad my cholesterols are alright. :blush:

I’m really not sure what’s going on with my CPK. I don’t use any of the listed drugs besides alcohol sometimes. And I don’t work out vigorously. I did get a COVID booster shot a week and a half before the exam. But seems unlikely to have impacted the number.

“thicc” was my attempt at humor to describe my bone density being at a higher end. It is a slang term meant to characterize voluptuousness.

Yes, I think that I should go outside more often haha.

Hmm, I wonder if I got my starting bf wrong. Although I’m pretty sure it was that number. I don’t think I was too thin before starting ZC. I looked lean but didn’t feel unhealthy. But yes, I will see if my body has a big-picture plan in store for the next months.


Hi there!

Yes, I have no clue what most of these things do in my body haha

I think I’ll try supplementing vitamin D then. I remembered that I got a bottle for last winter and stopped using it. I just wasn’t sure since you’re not supposed to need supplements on this WOE.

It’s been great gut-wise on this WOE. I don’t experience the crazy bloating, general discomfort, and frequent gas anymore. I think most part of it is due to not eating the foods I’ve reacted to anymore. Before, I had to think about the consequences before eating and now I don’t have to. It is such a relief!

(Joey) #6

That’s awesome. Your body is telling you something after all.

I had numerous low level issues (several of which were digestive) that I’d chalked up to old age. When I cut out the carbs, they all disappeared. Miraculous cure :wink:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #7

Actually, I think that was probably the reason for the higher number. So it’s not a concern.

My arthritis was the same. Chalked up to old age, gone with keto. Who knew?

Now, if only keto would take away the grey hair and make me a couple of inches taller . . . :grin:


Looks like you are female, under 30 years old, with excellent BMD — as would be expected at your age regardless of diet. BMD in women becomes a concern with menopause due to the sudden loss of estrogen. The chart shows the pattern.

Unfortunately, my BMD was not so bad at age 58 just prior to starting keto but took a turn for the worse during my first year. I don’t hold keto responsible— it was more likely my unique estrogen-related pattern of decline.

I just wish people would stop claiming that a high protein, keto diet can prevent osteopenia/osteoporosis with no scientific evidence or even good anecdotes to support that claim. I would love it to be true! I think I saw only one other post-menopausal female actually post their BMD result here (with the predictable osteopenia diagnosis…). It’s possible keto lessens the decline in BMD. Not ruling that out, but it is impossible to know with n=1, and it certainly wasn’t entirely preventive for me. My focus now is reaching all mineral RDAs for BMD which requires eating plants. I suppose I will have another test in a year or so, but it will still be impossible to know what— if anything— “works”.

(Joey) #9

You are sharing wise words of caution about wishful thinking when it comes to the capabilities of keto to correct things that it cannot. FWIW, if you haven’t already done a good bit of research on the role of K2 + D3 in the context of calcium and bone/teeth health, that would be time well spent. :vulcan_salute: