Blood keto monitoring


(Lisa Greenwood) #1

For the life of me, I cannot get my blood keto level up into weight loss mode. First this this morning, I was 1.2 then after eating bacon and eggs, I was a .5 ? What is the key to getting up there and staying there? I have been doing Keto for 3 weeks now.

(Ron) #2

You need more research, go here to start.

(Candy Lind) #3

Dr Andres Eenfeldt (dietdoctor), while interviewing Matt & Megha from KetoConnect, talked about a group of keto/lchf guys at a conference who all decided to test their ketone levels “for the halibut” - and ALL came in around .5. Face it, your body is incredibly efficient with ketones! You’re fine. KCKO.