Blog post with list of negative keto research...WHAT?

(Jennifer Douglas) #1

I ran into this blog post which leads us to a huge list of research studies on keto…More bad than good. It made me feels crazy because I am not sure of all the things, but I know people here are good at sniffing out problems. Do you see a bias? or is this legit bad stuff? I would love to know what people say about all of this. Here is the blog and all the research studies are at the bottom.


(Ren) #2

Of course there is a biased. She is trying to sell her Paleo lifestyle/cook books. Paleo was the buzzword for several years and now Keto is the “new kid on the block” and gaining more attention. So what better way to get people to read your blog than put out adverse effects of the ketogenic diet and provide them with a “better” solution of the paleo diet.

As for the scientific studies. I haven’t done the research that others on this forum have done. I’ll leave a lot of it up to them to address. However the Gastointenstinal disturbances a lot of that can be attributed to electrolyte imbalance/dehydration since low carb diets do require more sodium, potassium, and magnesium because they are flushed out of the system faster.

(Shayne) #3

I believe I heard it on Keto Talk on an episode where they were replying to (probably this blog post) and mentioned that in the epileptic children studies, they used a shake that was nutritionally deficient, NOT REAL FOOD. So it’s not a good comparison.

(Brian) #4

It does appear that the article is trying to push the Paleo diet and find any possible problem with a ketogenic diet.

There are a lot of ways of eating. Are there any of them that, if done very wrong, would not cause “side effects”, “adverse reactions”, or even “death”?

I hear the things this person is saying but the things I’m seeing in my own health and the posts that I read here on this forum give evidence that it’s indeed possible to live a healthy life with the ketogenic way of eating. Not all seem to do as well. I’m OK with that. Apparently, though, many of us thrive on it.

Will I find, over time, that I’ll need to adjust the way I eat? I’m open to that possibility. I do not, however, see how I could ever go back to being a heavy carb and sugar consumer and remain in optimum health.

(Ken) #5

I can never seem to get the links to work, so I checked out her website.

She is an example of what I consider “paleo corruption” or “paleo distortion”. Paleo, in it’s original form, is based on the 60/35/5% macro, which is clearly lipolytic/ketogenic. It also eliminated grains, beans, and dairy. All which are potentially discordant for people, depending on genetics.

She’s basically ignoring the macro nutrient protocols for real paleo. I’ve noticed this type of thing happening over the past several years. It’s too bad, I’ve generally followed the original protocols as my baseline for over 15 years, and it was responsible for my fat loss and health regain.